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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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I have a horse 8 yrs old 1100 lbs in light work.
I recently changed his feed to the Triple Crown Low-Starch because I wanted a beet-pulp based feed. He gets 3 lbs 2xper day and 3 to 4 flakes of hay (timothy mix and grass hay) Plus he is turned out 12-14 hours a day (PM). At the time I switched his feed, I had a person from KAM Animal services who was working with someone at my barn and after touching his stomach said he most likely has ulcers and he needed to be on a supplement called UF and also her probi product called KLPP. Twice in the past week he has acted like he doesn't feel well (laying down, pawing the ground - he is going to the bathroom and his manure seems normal)I never had any problems like colic or anything prior to this and am wondering what are the signs of ulcers, could this UF or KLPP be upsetting his stomach or should I reconsider the feed. What would you suggest?

Where are you from? Florida

How did you locate this forum? google


I Forgot. I live in South Florida and she also said all horses should get electrolytes every day year round. What are your thoughts?
Thanks Again,

Where are you from? Florida

How did you locate this forum? google


Hi Patty,

Well, my first instinct is to take him off of the UF since his symptoms seem to have developed following the time you started this product. I took a look at it and it contains "oat powder" which is surprising because carbohydrates increase acid production, so why would one add this to a product that is supposed to be for ulcers?

You cannot tell by feeling a horse's belly if he has ulcers unless he is in so much pain that he is so sensitive to any contact. And, if his ulcer was that far along, believe me, you would know it.

Symptoms of an ulcer include an unthrifty appearance, poor appetite, weight loss, diarrhea, colic, uneasiness under saddle, poor attitude for no apparent reason, to name a few. You didn't mention any of these problems, so I would simply go back to the way you were feeding and take him off of this supplement.

If you suspect any digestive problems, one of the best things you can give a horse is Ration Plus to stabilize the bacterial flora in the hind gut. It is not a probiotic, but instead, feeds the existing bacteria so they can efficiently digest forages. But, wait and see how he does after you've stopped the UF product. If he still seems colicky, then consider giving him Ration Plus.

About the electrolytes.... All you need to provide is salt. You are already giving him a complete ration, which has added minerals. So, make sure you have a plain white salt lick available or you can offer coarse salt in a bucket free choice.

Please keep me posted on his progress.

All the best,

Dr. Getty