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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

   Welcome to my forum. 

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Currently, I am discontinuing new questions. This may change in the future, but in the meantime, please know that It has been a true pleasure serving you. 

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And finally, look for my articles in a variety of local publications and online newsletters, as well as the Horse Journal, where I am the Contributing Nutrition Editor.  


All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
This Forum is Locked
Update on Normal Weight

Hi Dr. Getty,

Thank you for your advice...I did find a magnesium supplement locally...I give 2 scoops daily to add up to the amount you recommended.

The mare is down to 1160 lbs already! I cut out the grain to no more than a small handful with the flaxseed and supplements once a day, and cut her hay to 20 lbs a day. I am also riding her twice a week for now, for about 1/2 hour each time, as she has been sedentary all winter, so I want to start slow so she doesn't tie up. Our snow has pretty much melted so I can ride now. Unbelievable how out of shape I am myself!

I am starting this week to ride 3 times for about 45 minutes...walking and some trotting. She seems to enjoy it too, she broke into a canter yesterday out of excitement when I took her into the open field for the first time! But I only let her do it for a few strides and brought her back to a walk. She looks much better now, when I look at her from behind, I can't see her sides sticking out past her butt anymore! Thank you so much for your help. I love this forum!!

Where are you from? Ontario

How did you locate this forum? Surfing

Re: Update on Normal Weight

Hi Lillee!

What a great update! Thank you for filling me in on how she's doing. For many horses, magnesium is the key to improving the body's ability to burn fat and improve overall metabolic functioning.

Keep up the super work!

Dr. Getty