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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Rye Grass Hay

Hi Dr Getty,

Could you share some thoughts about Rye Grass Hay. I have heard diffrent theroys about this type of hay. Hay prices are very high were were are located and grass hay does not look very good and very high in price. I have been feeding my horses rye grass twice a day with 1/2 flake alfalfa in the evening. Would I be better off feeding a forgage pelleted feed am/pm and hay in the afternoon? Some people I know feed like this way. Not sure if it is the best way to go?

Where are you from? California

How did you locate this forum? Internet- Search

Re: Rye Grass Hay

Hi Melissa,

Rye grass hay, like other grain hays, is somewhat lower in protein than grass hays. And, typically, rye grass hay is not as palatable. However, it can be fed as a main forage as long as your horse is not overweight, insulin resistant, or suffers from chronic laminitis -- this is due to its higher starch content.

You have such beautiful alfalfa in California! If your budget will allow it, you could feed say a 70/30 mix of rye/alfalfa. Then, if you are working your horse and he needs more calories to maintain his work load, you can add a complete pelleted feed, or even some flaxseed meal.

A good vitamin/mineral supplement is always a good idea for horses that are only on grass and/or pasture to fill in the gaps.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: Rye Grass Hay + one more question

Hi Dr Getty,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this subject.

I do feed rye grass in the morning and at night they get rye and alfalfa. I don't have any horses at this time that have any of those conditions that you described. So I will keep feeding what I'm feeding then. I never have had a problem before with this hay, but everyone has an opinion in the horse world it seems. So I thought I would look up some nutritional facts and thats how I found your site. Very informational .

My other question is how long is ground flax seed good for and how should it be stored? I feed the ground flax seed with safe choice but I grind right before I feed it. I will be going out of town and would like to prepare some for the person feeding my horses. Trying to make things easy .

Thank you,

Where are you from? California

How did you locate this forum? Internet

Re: Rye Grass Hay

Hi Melissa,

Glad to help!

About the flaxseed meal -- if you grind it yourself, you would need to refrigerate it and keep it no more than 5 to 7 days.

Or, you can go with a stabilized flaxseed meal such as Nutra Flax which has a shelf life of 6 months and does not require refrigeration.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: Rye Grass Hay

Hi Dr Getty,

Thanks again. This site has been very helpful with some questions I have had. I have reffered some people to this site if they had questions about their horses nutrition. Have a great day .

Thank you,

Where are you from? California

How did you locate this forum? Internet