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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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sudden colic and arthritis

I have an 18 year old TWH mare that I have had since she was 2. A year or two ago she started colicing over every little thing and last year she developed arthritis so bad in her hocks that she can only be for a few minutes at a time so I usually don't ride her which I know isn't good for her but I don't want to hurt her. Last week I took my other horse, a 9 year old TWH mare, riding for about 3 hours. I usually leave the horses I am not riding in their stalls so I can get in and out of the barn easily without worrying about them getting out. There is a space under her stall door which her head and neck were sticking out of. It appeared that she may have coliced but I was wondering what might have caused it and if her arthritis could have had anything to do with it.

Where are you from? Oneida, TN

How did you locate this forum?

Re: sudden colic and arthritis

Hi Laura,

I am very sorry to hear about your mare's colic episode. Colic is very frightening for us and extremely painful for your horse. There are many possible causes of colic, so it's not possible for me to predict what may have caused her case. Arthritis is likely not the cause, however. But, being in pain, combined with possible added stress of being left behind, could cause digestive upset. Or, it could have been a number of other factors. If you would like to visit more about this, I'd be happy to help you investigate her situation.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: sudden colic and arthritis

Thanks. I don't think it had anything to do with being left behind. She is fine by herself. I think it was either hay or her grain because she was fine when I fed her and put her in her stall.

Where are you from? Oneida,TN

Re: sudden colic and arthritis

Hi Laura,

Good -- glad it wasn't emotional. So, let me know if you'd like to investigate how her feed is affecting her digestion.

All the best,

Dr. Getty