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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Feed question

I'm sorry if the answer to this has already been posted, I looked but I couldn't find it.
When I feed beet pulp(pelleted)I weight it before I soak
it, but after I soak 3 lbs of beet pulp it must weight around 8-10lbs is it ok to feed this much soaked beet pulp at one time?
Also alfalfa cubes, it is hay, right? so after it is soaked can they eat the same weight in of cubes as they would loose hay?

Thank you

Where are you from? Canada

How did you locate this forum? internet search

Re: Feed question

Hi Jenni,

Three pounds of beet pulp is a bit high for one meal. Cut it down to two pounds to be safer.

And, alfalfa is hay, true, but the cubes are more concentrated than eating hay. As a rule of thumb, go with 1 pound of cubes for every 2 pounds of hay.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: Feed question

Hi Dr.Getty
Thanks for your reply.
I don't actually feed 3lbs at a time, more like 1 1/2lbs, 3lbs soaked just seemed like to much to feed at one time.
When you say 1lb of cubes for every 2lbs of hay, is it ok to soak it and then feed that much of it?
My TB gets 12lbs of hay at least at night, so it would be ok to feed 6lbs of cubes at one time if ever needed?
I feed 1lb of cubes soaked, and then feed it with the 1 1/2lbs soaked beet pulp, is that alright?, I really don't want to over do it with the size of a meal in relation to the size of a horses stomach.
Sorry, it just seems like so much food to eat at one time and so heavy.

Thanks for your great advice, I am learning A LOT.


Where are you from? Canada

How did you locate this forum? internet search

Re: Feed question

Hi Jenni,

I agree with what you are doing -- 1 1/2 pounds of beet pulp and 1 lb of cubes, soaked, is fine for one meal. No, I would not recommend feeding 6 lbs of soaked alfalfa cubes at one time because your horse will consume it too quickly. When they eat hay, they spend a lot of time chewing, so it moves through the digestive system more slowly. Soaked hay cubes are consumed virtually without chewing, so space out the alfalfa cube meals, if you are going to feed them as a hay substitute.

Keep up the fine work! Your instincts are perfect!

Dr. Getty

Re: Feed question

Thanks Dr.Getty that was what I thought, but hey you never know until you ask right. That was such and important question to me, I really don't want to over feed concentrates or they don't get digested and well it is the horses health at stake and a waste of money.
I hope my ? helps others that were wondering the same thing.


Where are you from? Canada

How did you locate this forum? internet search