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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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fly allergies

Hey Dr Getty,
Glad to hear you are enjoying Colorado! Some cool weather would be nice out hear in SoCal. It was almost 100 yesterday.
Anyway, I have something to run by you. Fly season is in full swing, and of course, that means the itchy season for tequila. while his condition has improved drastically, I still see the classic signs of allergies. He itches the areas being bitten, and his eyes are somewhat puffy and watery.
A new fly sheet and mask will be on their way soon from Stateline tack, but I am wondering if he would benifit from additional B-vitamins? I just worry about feeding to many supplements to him.
He currently gets accel, quiessence, and actiflex. The meal consists of ricebran pellets, fortified with calcium and vitamin E, and fresh ground flaxseed. I know the accel and the rice bran have B-vitamins, so I am wondering if a half dose would be appropriate?
Let me know what you think! Thanks for all your help so far! i need to send you some shots of him and princess, his little paint girlfriend.

-Jamie Haley

Where are you from? California

How did you locate this forum? google

Re: fly allergies

Hi Jamie,

I know what you mean about the flies -- they are awful.

Rather than more B vitamins as a complex supplement, give him plain Thiamin -- Vitamin B1. This acts as a natural insect repellent. Give him once ounce, twice each day during the worst part of the fly season.

Extra Vitamin C will also help combat the allergic reaction. So, again, during the worst part of the season, I would give him additional Vitamin C and B1.

Let me know how it works for Tequila.

Best regards,

Dr. Getty