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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Foal frequently urinating

Hi there, my 7 month arab x welsh colt drinks alot and urinates alot, is there something dodgy going on here? He is otherwise a very healthy, happy little fellow. Anything to worry about? He eats ad lib grass hay and vitamin and mineral suppplement. He will urinate sometimes 4 times in the 3 hours that I am with my horses.

Where are you from? South Africa

Re: Foal frequently urinating

Hi Christine,

Excessive urination and thirst can be a sign of elevated blood glucose levels (leading to insulin resistance, much like Type II diabetes in humans) or, it can be the beginning signs of Cushings Syndrome.

Both of these disorders call for a low carbohydrate diet. Since you are only feeding hay, you may want to consider having it tested for its NSC -- Non-structural carbohydrate level. Your goal is to get a hay that has an NSC level below 13%.

If it is above this, you can soak the hay and drain off the water before feeding, to remove much of the sugars.

You ought to have your vet do some blood work, as well, to determine if there is any underlying metabolic problem, like those I mentioned.

Keep me posted.

Dr. Getty