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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Flaxseed, Biotin and Joint supplements

Hi Dr. Getty-

I am feeding my 1100 lb, 15.3 h 8 year old gelding Bermuda grass hay (20 lbs/day)
beet pulp (2 lbs/day)
bermuda/alfalfa pellets (1 lb/day)
rice bran pellets (1 cup/day)
Nutraflax (4 oz/day)
table salt (2 tablespoons/day)
Select II vitamin/mineral supplement.

Select II is found pretty easily here in town. He gets fed twice a day but the hay is split to 3 times a day. He is overall very healthy with a nice coat but he has dry skin from the winter that seems itchy in the hip and shoulder areas. He keeps biting himself here and in the process he's pulling out his hair. For these little bald areas I just keeep rubbing Corona ointment on daily. I haven't owned him for too long and I know the previous owners didn't ride him or really even groom him over the winter. I just found out that he has mild arthritis in both hind legs (both pasterns I believe). I definitely want to keep giving him flaxseed for his skin/coat but I also would like to increase the biotin in his diet and put him on a joint supplement. I'm trying to find the most cost effective way to do this without hopefully having to buy separate flaxseed, biotin and joint products. I already purchased Acti-flex 4000 but I'm not sure if I should change from Select II to Accel (I think it has a little bit more biotin in it)and keep feeding the Nutraflax or stay on the Select II and instead of feeding Nutraflax feed Bioflax 20. Sorry if this seems a bit lengthy and/or confusing. Any advice would be appreciated. By the way the Nutraflax is awesome stuff. Is there any other joint supplement you might recommend instead of the Acti-flex 4000? I do light trail riding, 1 hour 3-4 days/week (wish I could ride him more but have to make arrangements for my 4 y/o son to be watched) and due to where I live it involves all up and down hills.

Thank you

P.S. There is so much information on the internet but I have to tell you I trust your answers more than anyone else. Thank you so much for providing this service.

Where are you from? California

Re: Flaxseed, Biotin and Joint supplements

I have a horse on acti-flex 4000, he has arthritis also along with ringbone. I also gave him a extra 2 oz MSM, I stopped giving MSM to him thinking the acti-flex 4000 was enough, it was not, he started limping and not wanting to get out of a walk in the pasture, I started the extra MSM and he is now running and bucking in the pasture again. I would give any horse with any leval of arthritis extra MSM as I have seen it work on my horse.

Re: Flaxseed, Biotin and Joint supplements

Hi Angel,

There is a product called Reitsport HA-100 that you ought to take a look at. It is a complete vitamin/mineral supplement, along with flaxseed meal, joint supplement, and hoof supplement. It seems expensive, but actually, if you were to buy separate supplements, it would be much more (and more inconvenient). This will take care of his coat problems, help his itching, improve his joints, and provide what he needs for his hooves.

Thank you for your confidence.

Best regards,

Dr. Getty

Re: Flaxseed, Biotin and Joint supplements

Hi Carol,

That is wonderful that your horse responds so well to MSM. Many horses do experience a lot of relief from this anti-inflammatory agent. Some horses, however, respond better to glucosamine sulfate than MSM. Just like people, every horse is different. So, I'm delighted that you found the right formula for your precious equine friend.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: Flaxseed, Biotin and Joint supplements

Thanks Dr. Getty! I'll give Reitsport a look. Based on my horse's diet would you think that I wouldn't need to keep feeding the Select II then if I add the Reitsport?

Carol, I am also glad that your horse does well with the added msm. My horse might need the extra msm also but I'll wait and see. I just bought a joint supplement for my 2 old arthritic dogs and thought of your post and bought an extra bottle of msm for them also. Getting old is such a bummer. Thanks for you input as well.

Where are you from? California

Re: Flaxseed, Biotin and Joint supplements

Hi Angel,

If you use the Reitsport HA-100, you will not need the Select II at all. And, you won't need a joint supplement, or a hoof supplement. It is a very complete product.

Dr. Getty