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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Filly who has anxiety attacks

Hi Dr. Getty,

I have a 16 month old paint filly that is very sensitive. When she is taken out of her comfort zone or away from my other horses she gets uncontrolable. At home she is a sweet heart and I can do anything with her, she is very well behaved. As soon as I take her out she is a different horse, I can't get her out of my yard. She just spent two weeks with a natural horsemanship trainer. After a week there she finally calm down enough to lead her to the ring without completely getting out of control. Now that she is home she is doing the same thing. The only way I can explain it is anxiety attacks. I have had horses all my life and never had a horse so sensitive. Is there anything nutritionally that I can do to help her calm down? I don't know where to turn at this point.


Where are you from? maine

How did you locate this forum? by chance

Re: Filly who has anxiety attacks

Hi Alice,

Your best bet is to continue with her training, with patience and consistency. However, from a nutritional perspective, there are two approaches that will help calm her nervous nature. The first is to add more magnesium to the diet in the form of Quiessence. The second is to provide her with more B vitamins. I recommend B Plex because it is a B complex with all 8 of the B vitamins, not just one or two. The B vitamins work together for a variety of functions, including the health of the nervous system.

I hope this is helpful. Please keep me posted.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Colorado