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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Blood testing

You just resently answered a question for me, and I was hoping you wouldn't mind another. The Vet is coming to do shots soon and I am concerned that my 20 yo Arab may need supplementation to her diet (Vitamins & minerals). Is there a certain blood test I should ask for? She is on only a 1/4 feed scoop of Triple Crown Complete so I know she's not getting the amount that the feed offers. She gets a joint supplem't (For a Flex from Country Supply), Quiessence, MSM and Sugar free electrolytes when hot and humid. Thanks again for being available to answer questions.

Re: Blood testing

Hi Diane,

Yes, I agree with you -- a good vitamin/mineral supplement would be worthwhile in order to fill in the gaps in her diet.

I would recommend that you have a simple CBC done to take a snapshot of how she's doing on the inside. This will tell you if her vital organs are working well, if she's anemic, as well as if she's fighting any infection.

Glad to help.

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, Colorado

Re: Blood testing

Thank you again for your knowledge. I will get a CBC done at shot time. As for a multi vitamin would Accel be a good choice? I have seen it suggested numerous times by you. I had also heard that Source micro nuggets were good, but I think that is mainly minerals.

Re: Blood testing

Hi Diane,

Yes, Accel is an excellent, comprehensive supplement that I do often recommend. Source products contain micronutrients (minerals) and are not complete enough, in my opinion, for what you are trying to achieve.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, Colorado