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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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new feeding regimen (long, sorry!)


This is a really informative site! Thanks so much for doing it!

I'm thinking of baggying a morning ration for my horse. At his boarding barn he currently gets 1 quart of oats AM and PM, (with AM: 1 scoop Accel and 1 scoop Bio-Flax 20) is ridden 3-4 times a week, grass hay is fed in several small feedings through day, and is turned out on grass pasture. Here's what I'm thinking:

handful Triple Crown Conditioning Chaff
handful shredded molassesed beet pulp
handful Alfalfa Cubes
small handful Black Oil Sunflower seeds
1/2 scoop Accel
1 scoop Bio Flax 20
CW daily wormer
1 scoop Quiessence

1 quart oats

Free access to Dumor 16% Protein Horse Block and salt block

Does this seem adequate? Particularly, I know you're not a big fan of mineral blocks, but do you think any deficiencies or overdoses are likely using this block to replace 1/2 the ration of Accel? I can't find the ingredients listed online besides from a photo of the block at:

Also, would these ingredients be stable together sitting baggied for 28 days? Or should I do it more frequently?

He doesn't seem to like the taste of the Accel. Is there something that would be safe to put in the baggy to make the supplements "stick" to the base ingredients? Would a little Apple Cider Vinegar be safe for this purpose, or would the acidity break down any of the other vitamins/minerals? Any other suggestions?

He's an easy keeper, and has had some issues with muscle stiffness, so I'm excited to try the Quiessence. He's been on the flax and accel for a couple of months now, and looks great.

Thanks again for your sensible, informative website, and for this free service!


Where are you from? NY

How did you locate this forum? google search

Re: new feeding regimen (long, sorry!)

Hi Kate,

You're doing a fine job. I took a look at the vitamin/mineral block you mentioned and while it looks like a good thing, I am skeptical. First, vitamins left out in the pasture are going to be easily destroyed as they are exposed to air, water, heat, sunlight, etc. And, there's no way to know exactly how much of the minerals they are consuming. So, it would not be something I'd recommend.

Instead of Accel and Bio-Flax, why not consider a complete supplement such as Glanzen? This is made by the same people who make Bio-Flax and if he likes the flaxseed meal, he'll definitely like Glanzen. That way you would combine two supplements into one.

About bagging the supplements in advance, as long as they are in a cool, dry place, it is fine. But, in the summer, it would be too hot to store supplements in a hot barn. So, an air conditioned room is preferable. But this time of year, depending on where you live, may be fine (say if the high temperature does not exceed 75 to 80 degrees inside the storage space).

I would not add apple cider vinegar in advance. The acid will destroy several of the vitamins (minerals cannot be destroyed). And, it would be very messy to bag supplements with a liquid.

So, I hope this is helpful. Thanks for writing and for you enthusiasm about this site. Glad to help!

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO