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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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How much?

How much alfalfa/oats (pounds) would you recommend for a horse that gets turnout 3 times a week for a 1/2 hr to 1hr. And is ridden for a hour a week in the winter with walking trotting and cantering. And is ridden about 4-6 times a week in spring summer and fall for an hour each day. Should I use different amounts of feed for winter and summer or the same? Either way how much would you recommend for my horse to maintain a good healthy weight? My feed types are limited to alfalfa and oats as my horse is boarded, but supplements can be whatever I choose. Also for my horses work load how much percent of his food should be oats? Thanks for helping in advanced!

Re: How much?

Also he is about 1100 pounds and has a slight "gutter" along the top of his back. He is currently fed 4 flakes of hay in morning and afternoon each about 3 pounds to 4 pounds and about 5 pounds of oats. He is 9 years old. His grass is pretty good quality and he gets no supplements. Also another question i have is he drops oats sometimes when he eats, and refuses to take the bit without a struggle to get it on, last year the dentist said he had a cavity. Do you think it could be hurting?

Re: How much?

Hi Joey,

I think you are feeding him far too much oats. He doesn't need that much grain and it is likely causing him to put on some body fat deposits along his back. This can eventually lead to laminitis.

He should have access to grass hay throughout the day, along with some alfalfa hay to balance out the protein quality.

You can feed up to 2 lbs of oats per day if he is being worked and therefore will burn the calories. Instead of feeding so much grain, provide him with grass hay 24/7 -- this is much better for him. And, then, to fill in the gaps, add a good multiple vitamin/mineral supplement such as Accel.

About his teeth -- they need to be floated at least once each year (some horses require every 6 months). And, if he has a cavity, that would be quite painful (judging from all the cavities I've had over the years!).

So, do him a favor -- give him what his body needs -- forage - both grass and alfalfa, along with a comprehensive supplement, plenty of water, added salt (2 tablespoons per day), and as much turnout at you can provide for his mental health.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

Re: How much?

Ok thanks a lot Should I ask the dentist about getting the cavity pulled? Because, im almost sure that is why he dosent want the bit because before the cavity he never refused the bit. Sometimes he also drops feed too.

Re: How much?

Also at shows he gets nervous and really unpatient like while they call out results and the horses are standing there he wants to go and leave the arena. Would you recommend some of that stuff you spray on their nostrils that you sell or a daily supplement?

Re: How much?

Also would Smartshow Ultra be a good all around supplement since it has many vitamins/mineral/ biotin and MSM and Glucosamine Omega 3 and 6. It has some salt but not enough right?

Re: How much?

Hi Joey,

Yes, I would definitely have that tooth pulled. He will be much happier without a toothache (that is horrible pain to deal with).

I would suggest a vitamin/mineral supplement that has added B vitamins, along with Omega 3 fatty acids to protect his joints and immune function. Glanzen is perfect for your situation. There is some sodium in it, but you'll still want to have a plain, white salt block in his stall or paddock.

The B vitamins in Glanzen will help his nervous system calm down so he is not so jumpy. I would try this first, before adding anything else, because the goal is to fix the problem, rather than cover it up (like a short term calming agent would do).

I hope this is helpful. Thanks for taking care of your fellow!

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

Re: How much?

Ok thanks!

Re: How much?

Ok i finally ordered some supplements from smartpac equine Then when the vet and dentist came we figured out the tooth was way in the back and not interfereing with the bit at all^^. But i ride him alot so his teeth had really rough edges and were hurting his mouth when i rode him . So were going to get his teeth floated and filed every 6 months now.

Re: How much?

oops i meant to put a message icon lol

Re: How much?

also my horse has quite a opinion he hates salt blocks if you put one in his food bin he`ll pick it up and throw it out with his teeth! But i got a crushed up salt supplement for him.

Re: How much?

Hi Joey,

I'm glad to hear that you're having his teeth floated every 6 months. Some horses require it done this frequently.

Salt is very important. Pick up some plain white, table salt from the grocery store and add 1 tablespoon to each meal. If you feed him twice a day, that will give him 2 ounces per day. Mix it in well.

Make certain that he has clean water, as much as he wants, nearby his food.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

Re: How much?

Thanks, the dentist showed his rough edges on his teeth and it sure looked like it hurt ;( . But now I`m sure he feels a lot better