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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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100% calcium carbonate stones

Dear Dr. Getty,
My 13 yr old Han/TB recently had surgery to remove multiple bladder stones. The pathology report showed they were 100% calcium carbonate. No mention of any nidus material. I know that I should not be giving alfalfa hay (he used to get an alfalfa/grass mix.) What other dietary sources of calcium, should I be aware of? My barn owner gives everyone equi-jewel rice bran and electrolytes daily even through the winter.( I used to put 1T table salt in his grain to entice him to drink more since he tended to impaction colic.) He gets coastal bermuda hay and a mix of Purina Equine Sr and Purina Horse Chow 100, cosequin, MSM and Grand Hoof pellets
Thank you

Where are you from? south carolina

How did you locate this forum? surfing

Re: 100% calcium carbonate stones

Hi Deborah,

The development of calcium carbonate stones in horses is largely inherited. But, it can be prevented if there is a balance between calcium and magnesium. Calcium in the diet is important, but it is helpful to remove alfalfa, as you've done, to manage the calcium levels better.

Vitamin B6 is also very important in preventing kidney stones. So, I would recommend adding Quiessence to the diet to provide additional magnesium, and B Plex, to add the extra B6.

With the complete rations that you're feeding, he'll get additional essential amino acids, so his protein quality will be fine without the alfalfa hay.

And, finally, watch his water consumption -- he needs to be drinking at least 8 gallons each day.

Hope this is helpful.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO