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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Vaccine Reaction

A few days ago i got my horses yearly vaccines and the vet gave a new flu and strangles vaccine up his nose, but the rest were the normal vaccines. But where his normal vaccines were given his neck is a little swollen. He dosent eat much, only his oats, and usually he is done with alfalfa and oats super quick. Also he just hangs his head in the stall in a corner and if you try to halter him he just walks around very slowly. The vet said too just give him some bute for a day. Think that will help? Its been going on for about 3 days. Today ill reply again and say if hes better. Any suggestions?

Re: Vaccine Reaction

ok hes not acting sick anymore he`ll run and everything, but as of last night he still has i think his whole days worth of hay not ate. The vet gave a new flu/strangles vaccine up his nose, have you seen anyone thats horse had problems with it?

Re: Vaccine Reaction

Hi Joey,

Vaccinations put a lot of demand on the immune system of the horse. And, some brands and types of vaccinations can cause ill-effects in sensitive horses.

So, first, make a note to not use this type of vaccine in the future. And, second, contact your vet about his change in eating behavior. It's best to rule out any secondary problems.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

Re: Vaccine Reaction

ok thanks ill do that! ^^