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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Foal Nutrition

Hello Dr. Getty! I haven't written in a while. Hope all is well since you've left Texas for the beauty of Colorado.

I have a new foal. Whoo hoo! He was just born Saturday. I will email you a picture. Anyway, my friend who owns the mare and will be caring for the foal until he is weaned is asking what I want to provide for a creep feed when he is ~ 3 months old. EEEEKKK! I have no experience feeding foals under a year old! So I turn to my trusted nutritional advisor (that would be you) for insight. Also, is it OK for a foal to have beet pulp once he starts on solid feed or is that too much calcium? What about a supplement? I do know with foals there is a balancing act between good nutrition and too much nutrition which can cause developmental problems.


Where are you from? Texas

How did you locate this forum? past visits

Re: Foal Nutrition

Hello Linda!

So nice to hear from you! Yes, Colorado is spectacular!

Congratulations on your new foal! What a wonderful experience it is to raise a horse from a baby.

You're wise to take care in feeding him properly so that he grows to his potential. As you know, I recommend avoiding feeds that are high in starch since they can contribute to osteopathic disorders in growing horses. There are many complete commercial rations available, but most of them are sweet feeds, and it is so much more desirable to simply prepare a simple ration for your foal, with supplementation.

Beet pulp (shredded, not pelleted) is perfect for a foal in a creep feeder. However, you'll want to moisten it. So, because it is wet, it can develop bacterial growth if left for hours untouched (especially in hot weather). So, keep this in mind. The extra calcium is important. And, to this, you would add a supplement designed for growth. I recommend Mare/Foal IIP. You can give this to your lactating mare, as well.

Your foal will mostly be nursing, of course, and this will provide the bulk of his nutritional needs. Offer clean, fresh water at all times, along with 24/7 access to grass hay and/or pasture. And, a flake of alfalfa is beneficial, as well, to boost the overall protein quality in his diet.

Keep me posted on his progress!

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, Colorado