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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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hello, I am a new horse owner and don't know what to feed!!!! I have a 10 month old colt. he's on pasture(not alot of grass yet) and has access to unlimited grass hay. what else and how much do I feed him??? Sweet feed? How much (small coffee can size) do I need to feed him pellets too?? please help.

Where are you from? ok

Re: feeding

Hi Danell,


You're wise to get him on the right track so he'll grow properly and reach his potential.

The foundation of the diet should be grass hay and/or pasture. Then, you'll want to provide a two meals each day that offer all of the nutrients he needs to fill in any gaps.

If you want to use a commercial ration, my favorite is Triple Crown Growth. Follow the package directions, which involves weighing your feed. So, if you want to use a scoop or coffee can, you'll need to first weigh the correct amount of feed, and then fill your scoop and mark it so you know that you're adding the correct amount.

Make sure he has clean, fresh water at all times that is close by. And, provide a plain, white salt block.

This would be the basics for the average colt. If he has any health issues, was weaned early, or if your pasture/hay is not of high quality, we can visit over the phone and go over specifics.

Have fun!!

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, Colorado

Re: feeding

Thank you for your response. I cannot get the feed you suggested. However, I did get Purina Stocker/Grower Supreme 14n. Is this sufficient???? I am told it has grain and everything that I need in it. I feed 21/2 lbs. twice a day. I am also going to give him Farnams Super 14. Unless you tell me not to...thank you.

Where are you from? ok

Re: feeding

Hi Danell,

Check the ingredients in the Purina feed. If it contains large amounts of oats and corn, I would not recommend it for your youngster. Too much starch can lead to osteopathic disorders in growing horses.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO