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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Nephro-splenetic displacement & ulcers?

Dr. Getty:

3 mths ago purchased a 4yo Qtr horse who had a lip tatoo and was trained a short time for racing. She seems very mellow but I am thinking she has ulcers. She recently suffered with a nephro-splenetic displacement(left dorsal) and is recovering without surgery. Prior to this episode we noticed her feces had a very foul odor. At the time of treatment for the displacement I asked the vet if an ulcer could be creating the gas that led to this problem but was not given a definitive answer.

Now her feces are like cow pies and smell - almost like a bile type odor. She seems to still be rather lethargic and not very happy although I don't see any signs of pain. She has and still does drink alot of water and occasionally appear to want to crib - from pain?

Have read you recommend Ration Plus and B-Plex and will certainly add this to our regimen (grass hay only at this time). My question is for the short term and through this period where we are particularly concerned about gas build up is there
anything we should be giving her to heal an ulcer she
may be suffering from now or reduce over-acidity?

Thank you for your help -


Where are you from? Colorado

How did you locate this forum? google search

Re: Nephro-splenetic displacement & ulcers?

Hi Ann,

I have a brand new product that I am very excited about for ulcers. It is called Amiquell, made by Horsetech, and it is a combination of several anti-inflammatory agents, herbs to soothe the digestive tract, and ingredients that promote healing and the production of new, healthy tissue.

The list of ingredients is lengthy, so please click on the name above to see the whole story. I believe you will find it meets her needs.

It is still important to offer extra B vitamins, so continue to do so. But, by adding Amiquell, her manure should become more firm, and lose the sour odor. She should also be more comfortable, making her cribbing start to disappear, as well as boost her energy and mood.

Please keep me posted.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO