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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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pony with dry skin/coat, mild/persistent colic symptoms-ulcer?

We have had our 12.2h pony gelding for almost two years. He was obese and very cresty when we got him. His weight is now under control and the crestiness is gone thanks to Quiessence supplementation. He is currently fed four flakes per day of grass/alfalfa hay in three feedings. Once a day he also receives 4 oz. Quiessence, 1/2 cup Omega Horseshine, and 1/4 cup of beet pulp shreds (no molassas). Here's the problem. He has very dry skin and a dry/dull coat. That is why I started him on Omega Horseshine about three weeks ago. About a year ago he suffered mild, but persistent, colic. He did not go off his feed and was passing manure, but he acted very uncomfortable with parking out and lots of stretching and looking back at his belly. He was treated for the colic, but about once a month or so since, he will start parking out and such again. This lasts for about a day and then goes away. Also since the initial colic episode he has been consistently ear pinny. He doesn't act mean or disrespectful or anything like that, just has his ears pinned all the time. His manure is slightly harder than the other horses'. I asked my vet if the pony might have an ulcer. He said that was probably the case and suggested adding 1/2 cup wheat bran. Will that work? How long would I need to supplement the wheat bran? etc.? He is wormed regularly on an eight week rotation schedule and has access to water (heated in the winter) all the time. He is kept in a very large paddock, not put in a stall, and has three horse buddies for mental health and stimulation. Thank you!

Where are you from? Michigan

How did you locate this forum? online search for equine ulcer info

Re: pony with dry skin/coat, mild/persistent colic symptoms-ulcer?

Hello Krista,

Thank you for your patience regarding my response time!

I read your email with interest and I have a couple of suggestions for you. First, you are correct in adding flaxseed meal to your pony's diet. However, Omega Horseshine's product has added oats and you are making a good effort to reduce the starch and sugar in his diet. So, this would be defeating your purpose. Go with a pure flaxseed meal product instead, such as Nutra Flax.

Also, it sounds like he is not getting enough water. This is a major cause of colic and is apparent by the hardness of his manure.

So, two ways to fix this. One is to make certain he is getting enough salt. A plain white salt lick should be available and consumed regularly. A good rule of thumb is for it to last 2 months (a 5 lb block).

Second, and especially if he is not consuming enough salt, is to add TractGard to his diet. This will provide additional sodium, plus promote more water movement into his digestive tract, thereby reducing his risk for colic.

Watch his water intake -- he needs to have at least 8 gallons each day.

And finally, there are likely gaps in his diet regarding his vitamin/mineral intake. So, a comprehensive multiple vitamin/mineral supplement is very important. There are several ways to do this. Consider replacing Nutra Flax with Glanzen Complete to keep the flaxseed meal in his diet. Or, you can keep the Nutra Flax, and add Accel to his diet.

I hope this is helpful. Keep me posted!

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

Re: pony with dry skin/coat, mild/persistent colic symptoms-ulcer?

My email address has changed now that I have moved up out of the stone age of dial-up. New email address is Thank you.

Where are you from? Michigan

How did you locate this forum? online search for equine ulcer info