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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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colic how to tell if horse is ok

My horse is showing signs of colic this morning. After walking her she has pooped once and was willing to nibble on some bran soaked in warm water. I am wondering if these are signs that she may be feeling better? The colic was caused by switching from straight alfalfa pellets to grass hay and pellets too quickly.
Thank you very much in advance for any input you may have!!

Where are you from? Showlow, Az

How did you locate this forum? search engine

Re: colic how to tell if horse is ok

Hello Anne!

I do hope that your horse is ok and that she is fully recovered from her colic episode.

Yes, switching feeds can induce colic because the bacterial flora in the hind gut do not have a chance to adjust to the new mixture of ingredients. When switching feeds, it is best to do it gradually (as I know you found out the hard way) but sometimes this is not feasible. During those situations, I always add Ration Plus to the diet. Ration Plus is a prebiotic (not a probiotic). It does not contain live microbials. Instead, it feeds the existing bacterial flora in the cecum and large intestine so that they get healthier and in higher numbers.

And, if a horse is prone toward colic (some are more than others), adding a maintenance dose of Ration Plus will significantly reduce this risk.

I hope all is well and that this was helpful.

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

Re: colic how to tell if horse is ok

Thank you so much for the info and product reccomendation! Misty Moon is fine now and we are very grateful

Where are you from? Showlow, Az

How did you locate this forum? search engine

Re: colic how to tell if horse is ok

Hi Anne,

That is wonderful news! Thank you for letting me know!

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO