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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Feeding Hay Year-Round

Hi Dr. Getty:

I find myself with no pasture for my two horses. I was leasing property to graze them on, but the owner has asked me to keep my horses off as he is selling the property. I can't afford to buy it. My own property is 3 acres, and I have fenced off about 1/2 acre for winter paddock. The rest is about half bush, half grass. I can graze them on the 1/2 acre of grass for a few hours each day, but I am feeding hay otherwise. I was feeding orchard grass over the winter, but I am now switching them to a 60/40 Timothy/Alfalfa mix, (which they are eating much more readily) as we are beginning to ride them now. They are pleasure horses, and we try to trailride them at least 2x a week in summer. I do ringwork otherwise when time allows. They came off winter this year at a good weight, both are healthy and look good. My question is can they live fine on hay all year? I also feed Hoffman's mineral supplement free choice. One is a 15.2hh Percheron/TB mare, and one is a 15hh Paint Gelding. Should I try to lease another property for grazing? I know in Southern States people must feed hay all year, as there is no grass, but should I be feeding them some other supplementation as well? I've never had to feed hay year-round before. Thanks in advance.

Where are you from? Ontario Canada

How did you locate this forum? In my Favourites

Re: Feeding Hay Year-Round

Hi Tamara,

Yes, certainly you can feed hay year round without pasture and they will do fine. I do however, recommend that you offer a vitamin/mineral supplement to fill in the gaps. Accel, by Vita Flex is an option that you may be able to find locally. Or, if you want to get some flaxseed meal into their diet, and have them benefit from omega 3 fatty acids, consider getting Glanzen Complete.

Regarding free choice minerals... I don't recommend them. Horses need salt -- plain salt. Free choice products are dangerous because they will generally eat them to get that salt. The claim that they can assess their own need is not true, except for electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium. But, these products also are likely to contain such minerals as manganese, zinc, copper, and even iron. So, get yourself a plain, white salt lick or add table salt to their diet (2 tablespoons per meal).

Thanks for writing.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

Re: Feeding Hay Year-Round

Thank you Dr. Getty,

That eases my mind considerably! I forgot to mention, I do have a plain white salt block available at all times, and I do add fresh ground flaxseed (about 2 oz., or 1/4 cup) to about 1 cup plain rolled oats each once in the evening. I was never sure how much flaxseed I should feed, is there a recommended amount? As for the Hoffman's mineral, when I first introduced it, they ate a lot of it, I had to add every day for about 4 days. That has slackened off considerably, and I only top it up now once every 2 weeks or so. I only put in 2 cups as needed. I don't know if it's because I changed their hay from orchard to timothy/alfalfa and they don't need as much, or if they have just filled their need...

Are there products comparable to the ones you mentioned in Ontario Canada? It would be quite costly for me to buy it from the States

Thank you again,

Where are you from? Ontario Canada

How did you locate this forum? In my Favourites

Re: Feeding Hay Year-Round

Hi Tamara,

Good -- the salt block is excellent! I would recommend however, that you provide consistency with the mineral supplementation and provide an overall vitamin/mineral supplement on a daily basis, instead of feeding the one that is designed as free choice to their feed.

In Canada, there is a Vita-Flex dealer, perhaps nearby. Look into Accel -- that is a good, overall supplement that can be added to the oats that you're feeding. And, instead of adding your own flaxseed meal, see if you can find a commercial preparation that contains added calcium. (Here is the States, I recommend Nutra Flax for this purpose). Flaxseed meal has an inverted calcium to phosphorus ratio and extra calcium is needed. However, depending on how much alfalfa you're feeding, this may also provide enough calcium.

This are some general recommendations. But, if you should decide that you would like to customize your horse's overall feeding plan and take a look at the overall analysis of ingredients, I would be delighted to assist you with this where we could either set up a time for an email or phone consultation.

Please let me know if I can assist you further.

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO