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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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New Foal

I have owned Arabians for most of my life. I just purchased a Apendix filly that hasn't been weened yet (2 + months old). Her mother is also nursing an adoptee foal, so I am in fear of my little filly not get what she needs. The owner said I could get my filly next month by June 23, which will make her around 3.5 months old. Is this right because I have always heard that foals should be with mom until around 6 + months old?? I was told that the filly is now eating hay and small amounts of pellets. She a big filly but I need to know what kind of supplements I need to use and if all of this sounds right to you.
Thanks and have a great day!

Where are you from? Georgia

How did you locate this forum? Search engine

Re: New Foal

Hi Robin,

I'm in agreement with you -- weaning should be done no earlier than 6 months of age. And, then it should be done very, very gradually, with increasing amounts of separation time. Many bad habits that adult horses experience are directly related to early weaning.

Regarding a supplement -- yes, it is very important that a growing filly receive adequate levels of vitamins and minerals to fill in the gaps that exist in creep feeding. I recommend Mare/Foal IIP for this purpose.

I hope this is helpful and I wish you well with your new filly!

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO