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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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I have been largely ignoring the 'quiessence' product, as my mare is very quiet and relaxed, and rarely gets stressed - only trying to box, which we are currently working on.

However, recent posts suggest it may help for stiff & tight muscles; I feel her back could be much more supple, and I have always had to work on her straightness, which is coming... also her back is always 'sore' if she is wet (I don't ride if it's wet, as she sinks right away from the saddle.)

Do you think it could help with this sort of problem, if she doesn't really need it for the others? (she also has copd, which is managed by soaking hay and living out). Thankyou!

Where are you from? England

How did you locate this forum? Natural horse people site

Re: Quiessence

Hi Dee!

Welcome to my forum!

Yes, magnesium is very helpful for muscle stiffness and if you can locate a good magnesium supplement in the UK, I would be interested in knowing its name, so I can make recommendations to folks from your part of the world!

For COPD, the best approach is to start with eliminating the factors that aggravate the problem. So, it sounds like you have done this. If you need further assistance with this, consider adding MSM, DMG, and/or vitamin C to the diet.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO 81122