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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Warts on my Mare's Nose

Hi Dr. Getty,
Don't know if this would be in your area practice. But my 3yr sorrel mare with white blaze down the face and nose has warts. It started with one and now she has about 3 or 4. She is in perfect health has tim/alfalfa ad lib and gets ultimum 6lbs per day. I give her a bagel here and there as a treat. Should I be concerned...She is up to date with her shots... Thanking you in advance.


Where are you from? NJ

How did you locate this forum? search engine

Re: Warts on my Mare's Nose

Hi Debra,

Young horses are more prone toward warts because their immune systems are not as mature, but this problem is generally self-limiting in a healthy horse. So, the virus that causes warts will eventually die and the warts will clear up.

To keep her immune system healthy, it's advisable to fill in the gaps in her diet with a good multiple vitamin/mineral supplement, if she is not already receiving a commercial feed at recommended feeding dosages.

Keep her face washed daily with a disposable towel and as long as she is healthy, they will disappear soon.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

P.S. Now, instead of that bagel, how 'bout giving her something that her digestive system was meant to handle and offers some nutritive value besides sugar? (Bagels are made from refined flour which gets digested down to plain sugar)

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO