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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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feeding mares & foals

I would like some info on feeding AQHA broodmares and foals. I am currently feeding Purina Ultium, Calf Manna (during the last tri-mester and while nursing) with alfalfa. I am concerned I may have a problem with ephiphisitis in my yearling and possibly a weanling. The vet took x-rays but said he did not use big enough plates so we need to have them redone. I was debating switching to buckeye or pregressive that has a feed specially formulated for alfalfa forage. I wondered what you reccomended since I noticed you recomend ultium as one the the feeds you prefer.
Thanks, Kim in FL

Where are you from? Loxahatchee, FL

How did you locate this forum? websearch for nutrition

Re: feeding mares & foals

Hello Kim,

I like Ultium only because it is a low starch feed. But there are many others from which to choose, and since you're in Florida, I would take a look at Seminole feeds and choose one that is also low in starch and offers directions for feeding to pregnant mares.

Calf Manna is for calves, not horses. If you feed this, you will be giving your broodmare too much starch and her foal is more likely to be born with osteopathic disorders. And, growing horses should also be limited in their starch intake for the same reason.

Alfalfa is good and should be combined with all the quality grass hay and/or pasture she wants.

Salt is also very important, not only to supply sodium and chloride, but to ensure adequate milk production.

If you are looking for a good guide to let you know what to expect during foaling, and how to care for your mare and newborn (other than nutritionally), I highly recommend The Complete Foaling Manual.

Happy Foaling!

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO