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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Feeding Oil To My Horse

I was wondering if feeding vegetable oil to my horse is alright? I have a friend who said it gives horses diarhea, but I've used it all the time on other horses and nothing has happened. So I've always been told that it helps keep their coat shinier and something else I can't remember right now! I was just wondering what happens while using it, should I keep using it, and what does it do for my horse while using it, and if I shouldn't be using it, what can I use to replace it?

Thanks, Kourtney

Where are you from? Abbotsford, BC Canada

How did you locate this forum? add on google

Re: Feeding Oil To My Horse

does anyone konw?

Where are you from? Abbotsford, BC Canada

How did you locate this forum? add on google

Re: Feeding Oil To My Horse

Hi Kourtney,

Thank you for writing about vegetable oil in horses' diets. Excellent Question!

When you go to the grocery store and pick up a bottle of "Vegetable Oil," you are generally buying Soybean Oil. Check the label for certainty on this.

Soybean oil is added to horse diets in too high a quantity to be beneficial. It is high in omega 6 fatty acids and therefore, contributes toward increased inflammation. This can certainly be an issue for a horse that is exercised, aging, or has stress on his joints and muscles.

So, first off, to provide fat in the diet, I would add flaxseed meal -- one that is stabilized and has added calcium to correct the inverted calcium to phosphorus ratio that is naturally found in flaxseeds. This will produce the shiny coat you speak of, as well as protect the immune system, joints, hooves, blood vessels, and much more. Nutra Flax is such a product that you may want to consider (though shipping to Canada may be prohibitively expensive).

If your horse is very active and needs still more fat in his diet, go with canola oil or rice bran oil. At first, oil should be added in small quantities. Otherwise, it goes undigested and the manure becomes loose and greasy. After a while, say 4 to 8 weeks, the horse will adjust to having more fat in the diet.

Thanks for writing!

All the best,

Dr. Getty

P.S. Just FYI -- often times I am not able to answer questions right away so please allow one week for an answer. If I can get to the answer sooner, as with this question, I certainly will. And, I am delighted to have the opportunity to help with your questions.

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

Re: Feeding Oil To My Horse

I have an HYPP horse and am not sure if she should be given oil to supplement her coat. Any medical facts on this? He mane, tail and coat gets very dry due to foods she eats.

Where are you from? North Carolina

How did you locate this forum? google

Re: Feeding Oil To My Horse

Hi Vicki,

Feeding oil to an HYPP horse is certainly acceptable in moderation. There is no potassium in corn oil, for example, so this would be fine. Start by adding 1 tablespoon per meal and you can build up to 1/2 cup per day.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO