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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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24/7 Hay in the stall

Hello Dr. Getty,
I have a dilemma over stall feeding.
At this time, I'm unable to keep my horses turned out. I do turn them out every chance I get, at least a couple hours a day, but the majority of the time they are in stalls. I believe in letting horses live as naturally as possible, i.e. 24/7 access to forage, eating off the ground, etc. When I'm able, they will live outside with access to shelter instead of in stalls.
Here's my question, how do I feed my horses in the stall, 24/7 hay, on or close to the ground, without them wasting a large amount? Most of the hay feeders I've found are based on mounting them up high. What are your thoughts?
Thank you,

Where are you from? Texas

How did you locate this forum? Online

Re: 24/7 Hay in the stall

Hi Angela,

Thank you for writing and for having a good understanding of how horses are best fed. While they are living in the stalls, you definitely want them to have hay 24/7 so that they never run out. Water, too, of course, is essential, as well as a plain, white salt block.

Regarding hay feeders... certainly the closer to the ground the better, but I have found that even the ones that are head-high are ok because the horse grabs a mouthful of hay and then lowers his head to chew it. Some of it falls to the ground, so they reach down for those fallen tidbits, as well.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO