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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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i have a 14hh part bred arab show pony who has had 2 attacks of laminitis. i am wanting to know how to bring his condition and fitness back up without another attack happening. i also want to know the best way i can feed him as he is currently just on happy hoof and i want to bring his weight back up as his ribs are slightly showing.

Where are you from? stockport

How did you locate this forum? on the internet

Re: laminitis

Hi Lisa,

I'm sorry to hear about your horse's bout with laminitis. Once a horse develops this problem, it can become chronic and the liklihood of another attack is high.

I would love to help you but I have so many questions about his background, diet, medical interventions, cause of the attacks, etc. So, please consider setting up a time for a phone visit.

It is extremely important to monitor the starch and sugar content in the diet of most laminitis cases. This means that no feeds that contain cereal grains (oats, corn, barley, wheat, rice, etc.) and no molasses, and no carrots or apples. So, this is the first thing to look at.

Next, is your pasture and the effect of fructan consumption.

Next, is the magnesium content of the diet and the possibility of underlying factors that can lead to laminitis (infection, cushings, stress, etc.).

So, as you can see, it can be complex and having a great deal of experience with laminitic horses, I hope you'll consider contacting me for further assistance. Here is the link for more info:

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO