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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Retired Thoroughbred Feeding Requirements

Dr. Getty we just adopted a thoroughbred who has been retired for approx. 3 years. She was a little under weight before we got her but she looks pretty good now. We were told to feed her 2 scoops of grain a day. 1 in am 1 in pm. She is out all day grazing with my other horse and 2 goats. I put them in every night. My other horse is a Tennesse Walker who could afford to lose a few pounds. I do not feed him the same as the Thoroughbred. I'm very confused on what and how much to give her. We only ride her approx. 2 to 3 times a week. Any advice you can give me will sure help. Thank You.

Where are you from? Ohio

How did you locate this forum? Internet

Re: Retired Thoroughbred Feeding Requirements

Hi Suzy,

Thank you for writing about your TB mare. Most horses that come off the track have ulcers, so it is best to feed them to help them heal and to prevent further damage. A diet that is high in starch (from cereal grains such as oats, barley, corn, wheat, etc.) will increase stomach acid. Therefore, it really is not the best approach.

Instead, find a low starch feed -- there are many on the market. Triple Crown, for example, has several from which to choose. Triple Crown Lite is a good choice since you don't have to feed as much to get a good amount of nutrients.

And, then provide her with a supplement to help her heal. Amiquell is excellent. It is a bit pricey and you have to wear gloves when using it, but it is such a marvelous product and well worth the money and effort. It has many worthwhile ingredients including licorice, slippery elm, fructoligosaccharides, and gamma oryzanol.

If you need assistance in formulating a diet for her, I'll be glad to assist you with a customized plan.


Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO