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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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pre navicular & artho

we purchased a 10yr old tb gelding for my daughter who is in the sport of hunter jumping.he was pre vetted with pre navicular in front left foot.he was also dignosed with artho in back right hock.the vet said on the scale of 1-5 he would be at a 1.all this is just starting.he suggested a glucosmine supplement and isoxyprine for increased blood flow.i found out that the isoxyprine was like daughter is 12 yrs old with alot of bad luck with horses.we want to do the best for Galileo! i was thinking of retisport,however i do not know what would go with that for the navicular.he is also is tired and sluggish.he lived in florida prio to living with us in louisiana.he also was on a grain diet while here he is on a 12% pellet diet 4-5 quarts 2xs per day.he is also stalled up about 12 hrs,unless ridden 3-4xs per week.can you please help us.thank you,and God Bless,mandy

Where are you from? louisiana

How did you locate this forum? web search

Re: pre navicular & artho

Hi Mandy,

Reitsport HA-100 would be an excellent choice because it contains B vitamins (which will help his energy level), flaxseed meal (which contains omega 3 fatty acids for inflammation), hoof support, and joint support. I would go with the HA-100 product because of the hyaluronic acid to further protect his joints.

This product will also ease his navicular symptoms because of the omega 3 content. Feed the full 6 ounce per day recommended amount (three of the provided scoops).

He can also benefit from additional vitamin E and vitamin C for his navicular issue (as well as good trimming from a farrier experienced in this area).

You are feeding a very large meal and this can be a problem since a horse's stomach is relatively small and can only tolerate 3 to 4 pounds (max) per meal. 4 to 5 quarts will weigh, depending on the feed, between 5 and 7 pounds. His risk of colic is high because of this.

He also needs to have hay in his stall where he never runs out. Stress, due to not eating, can increase inflammation, which is something you want to reduce. So, you didn't mention his hay or pasture intake, so I thought I'd mention this.

These are some general suggestions. If you need further assistance, please let me know.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

Re: pre navicular & artho

dr. getty,thank you for your help and valuable time.galileo is turned out at night in a large paddock with average grass along with a huge round bale of hay.during the day he only is stalled up when we can't be @ the barn which is 1hr away from where we live.if he is in his stall when we are there he has hay,treats,and stall daughter spends time with him in the stall brushing ect..i did some research which turned up a product called recovery eq with ha.not as good as the retisport however it does have grape seed and green tea extract for the navicular i would like to get the retisport along with the nutricol to you know of any product with grape seed,ect(nutricol)for horses.if so let me know.again thank you so much you have been a blessing to our daughter & her best friend,Galileo.although he gets 4-5 quarts of food 2xs per day he is not overweight nor is he extremely musculer as a mentioned before he tires easy and breaths fact his previous owner sold him because he could not jump 3ft comfortably.a 10 yr old tb who is almost 16hands should not be a old man.i thank you again you are a blessing to our family.i have told all of our barn folks about your web sight.have placed a flyer on the board.God bless,mandy

Where are you from? louisiana

How did you locate this forum? web search

Re: pre navicular & artho

Greetings Mandy,

The exact ingredients of Recovery EQ are not apparent, and considered proprietary, which is why it is difficult to make intelligent comments about it.

But, PreOx contains grapeseed extract (which contains an antioxidant) along with other important antioxidants. And, you could give one ounce of this along with Reitsport. So, take a look at this option.

Thank you so much for your kind words. I am delighted to be able to help -- and I hope that your big, sweet fellow, Galileo, improves.

Also, another supplement you might consider is DMG. This will be helpful in moderating his muscle and respiratory fatigue.

I hope this is helpful and special regards to your daughter,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO