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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Respiratory support

I have a 16.3 hand appendix quarter horse who I adopted from a horse rescue facility. He was represented as a roarer who'd had the tie back surgery that failed. I suspect that he may have other respiratory issues as well due to the fact that some days he seems to have more problems than others when worked. Some days he seems perfect and you'd hardly know he has a problem. When the weather is warm or humid, he seems to have the greatest difficutly. Yet he can still have difficult days when the weather is very cold and dry. Some days, he'll cough up some sputum at the start of my ride. I have used Accel Lifetime with very slight improvement for him. Do you have any other suggestions? I also have a son with severe asthma and cannot help but find some similiarities. After years of following all my son's md's advice, he's finally experiencing significant improvement after starting him on a nutritional product with with an ORAC score >1000. Do you think antioxidants could be benefial for my horse? If so what products would you recomend? Are there other supplements that might be benefical for him? Thank you.

Where are you from? PA

How did you locate this forum? Have purchased from this site previously

Re: Respiratory support

Hi Fran,

Actually there is a better approach than Accel Lifetime. The active ingredient in this product is Glutathione, which you can get separately in a product known as Immusyn.

So, I would use Immusyn., along with a potent antioxidant preparation called PreOx. A double dose (two scoops) is warranted in this case.

And, finally, consider adding DMG to the mix to improve respiratory functin.

This is a rather agressive approach but one that will likely yield results.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO