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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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I have 2 year old race horse that breaks out with the must severe case of hives from trial and error I the its caused by protein. is there anything I can try. She has got so bad that she can't even eat a little bit of alfalfa.

Where are you from? Utah

How did you locate this forum?

Re: protein

Hello Jason,

I expect that she is allergic to alfalfa. Protein is found in all feeds, so that is not necessarily the issue, but many horses have a problem with alfalfa, per se.

You may wish to have allergy testing done on her to see if there are any other types of hay and/or feeds that she is allergic to. This would be the best way to alleviate her symptoms -- simply avoiding what she is sensitive toward.

Giving her vitamin C is very helpful along with other Antioxidants, so as a supplement, I would recommend a double dose of PreOx. This will help alleviate the inflammatory response and reduce the histamine reaction that is causing her hives.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO