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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Feeding during hay shortage

Hi Dr. Getty,
This is the first time I've posted on the forum but I've been enjoying the website up to now. My question is regarding feeding when the hay shortage is so severe that supply is not meeting demand. The person that owns the stable where I board has informed me that she is putting my horse, and others, on beet pulp (non-molasses and well-soaked) so that she can stretch the hay. I'm pretty new to horses having only had mine for 3 years and I'm not sure I understand enough about nutrition to know if this is okay or not.

Seems like I should be considering something a little more substantial that offered the roughage but had nutritional value. Maybe I need other supplements as well. I just want my horse to stay a healthy 6 YO during this time when pasture grass as well as hay are scarce due to the drought.

Thanks, Dr. Getty for any suggestions!

Where are you from? Charlotte, NC

How did you locate this forum? Friend referred me to the website

Re: Feeding during hay shortage

Hi Stef,

Beet pulp is an excellent source of energy (calories) that is digested similarly to hay. I would also recommend getting some hay cubes and breaking them in to small pieces and feeding them free choice. You can likely find them at your feed store.

But, a good vitamin/mineral supplement to fill in the gaps would be beneficial. My favorite is Glanzen Complete since it provides omega 3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and is wonderful for a hay (and other forage) diet. A more economical way to go would be Accel, though not as complete, it is still worthwhile.

It is really important that your horse does not go for hours without something to graze upon. The health of his digestive system requires have forage available throughout the day. So, hay cubes may be the answer or searching the web and other cities close by for hay.

Hope all goes well. Keep me posted.

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO