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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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changes in hay ration (warning, long!)

Hey dr Getty, as I promised, I am posting the hay change questions here!

I have moved Tequila to a much better barn and he is doing great. I had them feeding him half alfalfa and half grass hay (bermuda). They give 10-12 pounds per feeding. Well, he has hay in front of him 24/7 on this plan. Which is wonderful! He started to self regulate after loosing all that weight during the fires here in San Diego when I was providing unlimited grass. He has since been calmer about his hay and doesn't scarf, just nibbles and grazzes.

However, he was wasting TONS of bermuda, so I had him cut back to about 8 lbs. He still has left overs, just wastes less of it. He eats about 6-7 pounds of his burmuda, but finishes off all 10 pounds of Alfalfa. Obviously this is inverted.

I want to up the grass and turn down the alfalfa, but at the same time he really doesn't enjoy bermuda all that much. He will munch timothy or orchard before bermuda. However, they do not offer either of these, I can buy it, and they wil feed it, but I have to pay them to store it there, so it becomes very expensive. I can get him some timothy pellets, which he would love, and I do not have to pay to store them. Currently he is getting his bermuda in the morning, and his alfalfa at night. the pellets would replace some alfalfa, but I feed his beet pulp bucket and supplements in the evening, so that would be too many concentrates. How would you suggest I arange things?
thank you

Re: changes in hay ration (warning, long!)

Hi Jamie,

Thank you for your patience in my getting to your question.

First, let me congratulate you on doing a fine job in feeding Tequila!

His preference for alfalfa, as you know, if normal since alfalfa is much better tasting than Bermuda. Your idea of adding Timothy pellets is fine but I understand your concern about feeding them along with the other feedstuffs, making the meal too large. But, you may be able to add a pound or two of timothy pellets depending on how much beet pulp you're feeding. Keep the meal to no more than 4 lbs (dry weight - before adding water) -- so if you can do that by adding timothy pellets, then you're ok.

You're wise to separate the feeding of Bermuda and Alfalfa at different times of the day. Keep leaving enough Bermuda so he doesn't run out. He may simply not like this batch -- any chance of mold or heat damage? If you can sprinkle it with a little water before he eats, that may make it more palatable. Sometimes simply offering a different batch or cutting of Bermuda will make a difference.

Keep me posted!

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

Re: changes in hay ration (warning, long!)

As far as I can see they hay looks great, its kept in a trailer (indoors) until fed so I doubt its gotten wet. It looks nice and fresh and green. Mainly the problem is he is eating more alfalfa than bermuda. He's eating about 7-8 ounds bermuda, and 10-12 pounds of alfalfa. The goal is to add more grass and take away some alfalfa.

So if I understand you correctly, I could take away some alfalfa in the evening and give him some timothy pellets instead, as long as the pellets plus his regular bucket (1 cup beet pulp, 1 cup rice bran, 6 ounces by volume flax seed meal, and supplements, does not exceed 4 lbs? I'll have to weigh his bucket, lol

PS Callie had bermuda left over at dinner yesterday, so I think we are getting there with her too

Re: changes in hay ration (warning, long!)

Hi Jamie,

Yes, you're correct. A good rule of thumb is that one pound of hay pellets is equivalent to 2 lbs of hay. So, if you could reduce the alfalfa and replace half as much in weight in pellets.

Sounds like a plan for both your horses.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO