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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Stomach upset

Hi Dr. Getty,

I have a 3yr old Tb?perch, 17.2h, 1500 lbs. since she was 20 months old. Last Oct she went off her grain. I had the vet come did bloods, fecal, giardia,and did a succeed test for ulcers. Everything came up negative.
I then started her on U-gard 3 times a day to get her to start eating her grain. I had to do this until about the middle of Feb. She then started to clean up her grain. This Oct she had gone off her grain again.
She has hay in a hay net. Is grained 3 times a day(beet pulp,ultium, nutrena compete 10%,flax seed,and Ration Plus 20ml).
What do you think is going on with her since it seems to be seasonal? What else do you recommed I do?

Where are you from? St. James, Long Island, New York

How did you locate this forum? searching the web

Re: Stomach upset

Hi Lisa,

I responded to your concern in a later message that you posted, regarding adding Amiquell. So, please see that message.

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO