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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Heiro for IR Horses

Hi Dr. Getty,

You have always given me good advice so I wanted to see your opinion of Heiro by Equine Medical & Surgical Assoc. A friend recommended it to me but since my horse "Harley " ( earlier post )was diagnosed with IR and founder I have read so much and have gotten very confused. I continue to wait for his grass hay anyalisis and have continued with no grain diet.

Where are you from? New Mexico

How did you locate this forum? I really don't remember - been here a long time.

Re: Heiro for IR Horses

Hi Lynn,

I took a look at this Heiro product and it contains mostly herbs, which may or may not be effective against insulin resistance. But my concern is not with that - it is the very low magnesium content. Insulin resistance is best treated with magnesium -- approximately 5,000 mg per 250 lbs of body weight, along with chromium. This product contains 6360 ppm, which for a one ounce dose, translates into 180 mg. That's not even close the amount needed.

For laminitis, depending on the rest of the diet, I recommend either Laminex along with Nutra Flax (flaxseed meal) or SuPer Antioxidant combined with Quiessence. These can all be found on Dr. Getty's Free Shipping Store.

Perhaps a personal phone visit would be the best way to go -- that way I can go over everything your horse is experiencing, along with his diet, exercise, environment, etc. to customize a plan for his future health.

All the best,

Dr. Getty
Author of Feed Your Horse Like A Horse

Hi Dr. Getty,

You have always given me good advice so I wanted to see your opinion of Heiro by Equine Medical & Surgical Assoc. A friend recommended it to me but since my horse "Harley " ( earlier post )was diagnosed with IR and founder I have read so much and have gotten very confused. I continue to wait for his grass hay anyalisis and have continued with no grain diet.

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

Re: Heiro for IR Horses


I didn't take a look at Heiro, but I tried to treat my insulin resistance donkey Pumpkin with it and it really worked! Details @


Where are you from? Gardnerville, NV

How did you locate this forum? google search