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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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daily dewormers...

I realize a question about dewormers is not really a dietary question, but you seem to know a lot about ingredients and I thought you might help me with this.

My two youngest horses were recently fecal tested for parasites. One counted out at 1400+ the other at 2000+!!! I was totally shocked at those numbers. They have never been that high before. My vet recommended Panacur Powerpac (Fenbendozole) 5 days of double dosing. I checked online and found Quest (Moxidectin) will kill the same worms as well with one dose. There are those out there that say Fenbebdozole will harm the gut lining, others swear by Quest, but then some say Moxidectin kills everything so fast there could be issues as a result of that.


Do you have any suggestion or know about either of these products/chemicals?

Where are you from? Upstate NY

How did you locate this forum? Dr. Getty

Re: daily dewormers...

Hi Jane,

Worms are not my area of expertise, it's true. But, I can tell you that fenbendazole at a double dose for five days, or one dose of Moxidectin, will kill encysted larvae. I have found this to be effective every two years, simply because these larvae do not show up on fecal tests and can create an unthriftiness in horses that is revived upon using these anthelmintics.

You didn't mention the specific worm larvae that was found in your fecal test, but if your vet is comfortable with moxidectin, this may be the easiest approach.

As you know, horses are becoming more and more resistant to anthelmintics and doing a fecal test every two to three months is now the best approach.

Tapeworms, however, are not assessed using fecal tests, so I still suggestion a combination paste deworming using praziquantel once a year, around mid-November.

Keep me posted.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Jane Ames
I realize a question about dewormers is not really a dietary question, but you seem to know a lot about ingredients and I thought you might help me with this.

My two youngest horses were recently fecal tested for parasites. One counted out at 1400+ the other at 2000+!!! I was totally shocked at those numbers. They have never been that high before. My vet recommended Panacur Powerpac (Fenbendozole) 5 days of double dosing. I checked online and found Quest (Moxidectin) will kill the same worms as well with one dose. There are those out there that say Fenbebdozole will harm the gut lining, others swear by Quest, but then some say Moxidectin kills everything so fast there could be issues as a result of that.


Do you have any suggestion or know about either of these products/chemicals?

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO