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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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pasture seed

Dear Horse Hero, Due to the damage done by the local electricty company across my pasture, I am happy to say that they are paying for a total "Pasture Renovation" by the company of MY choice. So, my question to you is, what seed do I want. The man says he will plant this fall so there is adequate rainfall to germinate the seed. It is totally my call on seed. We get too much rain here in Western WA to grow alfalfa, but grasses do well. I have 6 acres of pasture and two horses so they get to roam and "Trickle Feed". My 30 year old is doing GREAT, thanks to your advice, and is on pasture, and free-choice hay during the night. I think he has years in him, so what seed is best for my old man and young MMX addict?? THANK YOU.

Where are you from? Sedro-Woolley, WA

How did you locate this forum? newsletter

Re: pasture seed

Hi Cristine,

See which grasses grow in your area and avoid any grains such as rye, wheat, or oat, as well as fescue. Timothy, orchardgrass, brome, or a native grass are best.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Cristine Cameron
Dear Horse Hero, Due to the damage done by the local electricty company across my pasture, I am happy to say that they are paying for a total "Pasture Renovation" by the company of MY choice. So, my question to you is, what seed do I want. The man says he will plant this fall so there is adequate rainfall to germinate the seed. It is totally my call on seed. We get too much rain here in Western WA to grow alfalfa, but grasses do well. I have 6 acres of pasture and two horses so they get to roam and "Trickle Feed". My 30 year old is doing GREAT, thanks to your advice, and is on pasture, and free-choice hay during the night. I think he has years in him, so what seed is best for my old man and young MMX addict?? THANK YOU.

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO