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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Ulcer Treatment

Hi Dr. Getty - I have a 16yr TB I took ownership of a year ago, he did not change location here in Bayfield. He colicked last week, and was diagnosed with an infection and ulcers in large intestine. He is on Rite Trac for his ulcers and antibiotics for 14days(Trimeth/Sulfa powder). I've read your treatment for ulcers and wanted to know if I can start him on that protocol while his is on his meds or wait until he is thru hi Rite Trac (about another 2-3 weeks). Thanks for your input - Jaymie

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

How did you locate this forum? I am a subscriber of your newsletter Forage for Thought

Re: Ulcer Treatment

Hi Jaymie,

I'm sorry to hear about your horse's colic episode. Yes, certainly -- you can keep him on my recommended protocol of free choice grass hay, along with some alfalfa, while treating him with medications.

The Rite Trac is an antacid and a proprietary formula that they say buffers the hind gut against acidosis. This sounds as though it is designed for horses that consume large amounts of cereal grains (oats, for example) since oats can lead to hindgut acidosis (lowering of the hindgut pH). But a forage-based diet, without grain (which is very important for ulcers), does not produce a lowered hindgut pH. So, this product may not be appropriate for your horse. Many race horses, for example, are fed large amounts of oats, which increase stomach acid production and make them even more prone to ulcers than they already are. So, products like the Rite Trac help.

Your horse really could benefit from a strong probiotic since the antibiotic kills the bad bacteria, but also the good guys. I recommend Daily Start at a double dose, to get his microbial population in his cecum back in shape.

I hope this is helpful. My first approach is dealing with a colic case is to find out the cause of the colic. In your case, it appears to be due to an ulceration. So, the next question is what caused the ulcer? And that's where I don't have answers -- but take a close look at what may have led to an ulcer and work on changing his feeding and his lifestyle for the better.

Keep me posted.

All the best,

Dr. Getty
Author of Feed Your Horse Like A Horse

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

Re: Ulcer Treatment

Dr. Getty - Thank you for your post. The vet's thought was that he's had ulcers for a long time, got an infection, which he felt led to colic. Athough he tested no worms this month, he did test positive for strongyle in May/June and was treated at that time, perhaps that was the start of the worsening of the ulcer? This horse has had 7+ owners in his 16 years of life and has moved around from place to place in CO starting from the racetrack. He came to me with distrust of humans; initially you could not get near him. He and I have been working at his pace on trust and confidence for the past year - he is just now starting to figure out I'm the steady in his life and he actually is starting to greet me with nickers and pushing other horses out of the way to come up to me - not the same horse I started with. My heart goes out to him - he has a kind gentle nature and is very willing. He's been at his current location going on 3+ years, hoping he starts to heal with the consistency and care. He is now on constant grass hay with about 20-25% alfalfa (we just got it in and will send out for testing). I have been giving him Equine Senior with his RiteTrac meds in addition to his forage. If you have different thoughts on the EQ Sr I'd like to know - thanks for your time.

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

How did you locate this forum? I am a subscriber of your newsletter Forage for Thought

Re: Ulcer Treatment

Hi Jaymie,

Let me first commend you for doing such a wonderful job of gaining his trust. There is not greater compliment than to have an animal's trust.

You're on the right track. Equine Senior is fine -- it's easy to digest and is relatively low in starch.

Continue to test his manure for worm infestation -- that is the best course of action to prevent intestinal damage and prevent colic.

Keep me posted!

All the best,

Dr. Getty
Author of Feed Your Horse Like A Horse

Dr. Getty - Thank you for your post. The vet's thought was that he's had ulcers for a long time, got an infection, which he felt led to colic. Athough he tested no worms this month, he did test positive for strongyle in May/June and was treated at that time, perhaps that was the start of the worsening of the ulcer? This horse has had 7+ owners in his 16 years of life and has moved around from place to place in CO starting from the racetrack. He came to me with distrust of humans; initially you could not get near him. He and I have been working at his pace on trust and confidence for the past year - he is just now starting to figure out I'm the steady in his life and he actually is starting to greet me with nickers and pushing other horses out of the way to come up to me - not the same horse I started with. My heart goes out to him - he has a kind gentle nature and is very willing. He's been at his current location going on 3+ years, hoping he starts to heal with the consistency and care. He is now on constant grass hay with about 20-25% alfalfa (we just got it in and will send out for testing). I have been giving him Equine Senior with his RiteTrac meds in addition to his forage. If you have different thoughts on the EQ Sr I'd like to know - thanks for your time.

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

Re: Ulcer Treatment

Hi Dr. Getty - just wanted to give you an update and ask about ongoing support/supplement for this guy. he is feeling so much better! I've seen a change in his disposition and behavior. He's had a few acupuncture treatments for ulcers, and has no more ulcer touchy spots, and tests prove he's 'well'. he is mainly on a forage diet/grass hay + some alfalfa and a small amount of equine senior. I have maintained his Glanzen Complete and wanted to know if I should also keep him on Daily Start probiotics as well. Anything else he could benefit from? thanks for your support - Jaymie.

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

How did you locate this forum? internet

Re: Ulcer Treatment

Hi Jaymie,

How wonderful to hear! Thank you for letting me know how well your horse is doing -- you are doing a wonderful job and should be commended!

I would definitely continue with the Glanzen Complete as well as using Daily Start. But if you're giving a double dose of Daily Start, you can reduce it to a maintenance dose. This preparation is very helpful in maintaining a high level of hindgut microbes, as well as feeding the immune system. He seems to be doing well on it, so I suggest staying with the regimen that is working.

Best wishes,

Dr. Getty
Author of Feed Your Horse Like A Horse

Hi Dr. Getty - just wanted to give you an update and ask about ongoing support/supplement for this guy. he is feeling so much better! I've seen a change in his disposition and behavior. He's had a few acupuncture treatments for ulcers, and has no more ulcer touchy spots, and tests prove he's 'well'. he is mainly on a forage diet/grass hay + some alfalfa and a small amount of equine senior. I have maintained his Glanzen Complete and wanted to know if I should also keep him on Daily Start probiotics as well. Anything else he could benefit from? thanks for your support - Jaymie.

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO

Re: Ulcer Treatment

THank you Dr GettY!! for your help and kind words. It it truly rewarding to see him so interactive with me, just makes me smile. He's a new horse and I'm loving it :)

Where are you from? Bayfield

How did you locate this forum? Forage for thought/website

Re: Ulcer Treatment

Hi Jaymie,

I am so pleased to hear how much you are enjoying him! I'm very glad to help.

I'm no longer in Bayfield -- now living in Waverly, Ohio.

All the best,

Dr. Getty
Author of Feed Your Horse Like A Horse

Where are you from? Waverly, OH