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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Putting weight on a 25 yr. old gelding

My horse has always been an easy keeper until the last year. I had blood work for Cushings doen in August and it was 56. He gets 2 buckets a day one of 2 pounds of Stablemix and the other one scoop of beet pulp and 2 scoops of LMF Gold and a cup of oil. He just isn't gaing the weight.
he is fed a flake of geass ahy morning and evening and has his teeth done regularly His blood work was done a couple of months ago with no significant changes.
Thank you for any info.3wxr

Where are you from? Hayward,Ca.

How did you locate this forum? Through a friend

Re: Putting weight on a 25 yr. old gelding

Hello Sally,

When helping a horse gain weight, it is important to pay attention to the calories provided (which you seem to be addressing through added fat) and the hindgut microbial population (which I believe still needs attention).

The hindgut bacteria are responsible for producing enzymes that are needed to digest fiber. So, unless they are in good shape, your horse will not get calories from the hay and/or pasture he eats. Therefore, I would go with Equine Gold at a double dose to feed the existing bacteria, add more, and also provide additional digestive enzymes.

Also, rather than any oil, provide flaxseed meal. Vegetable oil (which is usually soybean oil) or corn oil is high in omega 6 fatty acids which increase inflammation in the body. Flaxseed meal is high in omega 3s, which have the opposite effect, as well as regulate insulin levels, and protect immune function. I highly recommend Nutra Flax.

Keep me posted.

All the best,

Dr. Getty
Author of Feed Your Horse Like A Horse

My horse has always been an easy keeper until the last year. I had blood work for Cushings doen in August and it was 56. He gets 2 buckets a day one of 2 pounds of Stablemix and the other one scoop of beet pulp and 2 scoops of LMF Gold and a cup of oil. He just isn't gaing the weight.
he is fed a flake of geass ahy morning and evening and has his teeth done regularly His blood work was done a couple of months ago with no significant changes.
Thank you for any info.3wxr

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO