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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Hoof Wall separation after injury or abscess

My 10yr old ArabX has had a crack in his front hoof for years - prior to my purchase. According to my farrier (he has trimmed my horses for years and also has had this horse under his care for many years prior to my purchase) the horse had an injury/abscess which caused some separation in the hoof wall that has not ever re-attached. It is not white-line, just not joining up. We have cut back some hoof wall and kept it clean trying to stimulate growth - he is riding fine and moves fine. There is still not any improvement in the attachment. I started dBiotin approx. 7 weeks ago. Do you have any further suggestions on stimulating repair or supplements for this? He is on grass, hay, High Point, dBiotin, and Flax.
Thank you! My herd is still fat free feeding, but definitely do best when I have multiple bales for free feeding - 7 bales for 7 equines can last a week! Was triple that initially. If I place only 2 bales, it is gone in 12hrs! For us, it is not just access but knowing there is plenty around the field. Hide and seek has been our best tactic for making it last and increasing movement. My IR pony (Magic, 25+) has gone from chronic founder to loping with my daughter!
Thank you!
~Kellie & Krew at the LazyK

Where are you from? New Market, AL

Re: Hoof Wall separation after injury or abscess

Kelli- With coronary band injuries, the hoof will never grow in perfectly attached. So you'll always be managing it. But an important thing you can do is use Pete's goo (50% neosporin and 50% athlete's foot cream) in the crack a couple times a week. This will prevent any fungus or bacteria from taking advantage of the weak spot.

Where are you from? Auburn, AL

How did you locate this forum? online

Re: Hoof Wall separation after injury or abscess

Hello Kellie,

From a nutritional perspective, you are doing the right thing. Be sure to provide at least 20 mg of biotin each day. The High Point has the relevant minerals to further assist with healing. But this takes time -- give it 6 months to start to see improvement.

And the next thing to concentrate on is high quality protein. I recommend adding some alfalfa (hay, cubes, or pellets) to his diet -- approximately 4 lbs per day of hay (or cubes) or 2 lbs per day of pellets. Alfalfa is a legume, and as such, it has a different amino acid profile than grasses. When fed together, they create a high quality protein. Without the right level of amino acids, your horse cannot adequately product healthy tissue.

Protecting against infection, as Audra recommends (thank you, Audra) is also a good idea. So, we have the "inside" and the "outside" covered.

Keep me posted!

All the best,

Dr. Getty
Author of Feed Your Horse Like A Horse

P.S. I am so delighted to hear about your experience with free-choice feeding. Folks often worry that it will cost too much, when in fact (as you've shown), horses end up eating less when they are allowed to self-regulate. I fully expect their weight to normalize, as well, with a little more time.

kellie kirby
My 10yr old ArabX has had a crack in his front hoof for years - prior to my purchase. According to my farrier (he has trimmed my horses for years and also has had this horse under his care for many years prior to my purchase) the horse had an injury/abscess which caused some separation in the hoof wall that has not ever re-attached. It is not white-line, just not joining up. We have cut back some hoof wall and kept it clean trying to stimulate growth - he is riding fine and moves fine. There is still not any improvement in the attachment. I started dBiotin approx. 7 weeks ago. Do you have any further suggestions on stimulating repair or supplements for this? He is on grass, hay, High Point, dBiotin, and Flax.
Thank you! My herd is still fat free feeding, but definitely do best when I have multiple bales for free feeding - 7 bales for 7 equines can last a week! Was triple that initially. If I place only 2 bales, it is gone in 12hrs! For us, it is not just access but knowing there is plenty around the field. Hide and seek has been our best tactic for making it last and increasing movement. My IR pony (Magic, 25+) has gone from chronic founder to loping with my daughter!
Thank you!
~Kellie & Krew at the LazyK

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO