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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Your teleseminar on aging horses was very interesting-thanks for sharing your compassion and knowledge.
One of the things I am especially curious about is the Equine Gold product, as my 27 year old QH gelding does have loose manure from time to time, and has dropped some weight recently. He's on full feed grassy/alfalfa hay, but he's not too excited about eating it (I have not noticed him having problems chewing). Since my pasture is very small and easily over grazed, he doesn't get alot of grass. I give him 1 cup of HS-35/day and also 5,000 mg vitamin C, which I learned needs to be increased. Your thoughts? Again, thanks!

Where are you from? Minnesota

How did you locate this forum? Internet

Re: HS-35

Hi Geri,

Thank you -- I'm delighted that you enjoyed the teleseminar.

For an older horse, I do not see the benefit of giving him such a high protein level. The HS-35 has over 34% protein and I generally recommend this for growing horses or for those recovering from illness or injury.

The reduction in appetite is a concern and it is always best to get a snapshot of what is going on on the inside -- so get a basic blood work panel done -- a CBC (complete blood count) along with a chemical profile to test basic liver and kidney function.

You're already feeding alfalfa -- which is high in protein -- so I recommend switching to a different supplement. Either go with Glanzen Complete or combine two products: High Point plus Nutra Flax.

Yes, vitamin C is also important -- C-442 is a good buffered product.

I could recommend a weight gain product, but it's too soon. Let's see how his blood work comes out along with the change in supplementation. If you'd like to have me go over his situation in detail, please think about setting up a consultation. That way, I can review everything and customize a plan for him based on his history, medical treatments, diet, activity, environment, etc. to help him get on track.

All the best,

Dr. Getty
Author of Feed Your Horse Like A Horse

Your teleseminar on aging horses was very interesting-thanks for sharing your compassion and knowledge.
One of the things I am especially curious about is the Equine Gold product, as my 27 year old QH gelding does have loose manure from time to time, and has dropped some weight recently. He's on full feed grassy/alfalfa hay, but he's not too excited about eating it (I have not noticed him having problems chewing). Since my pasture is very small and easily over grazed, he doesn't get alot of grass. I give him 1 cup of HS-35/day and also 5,000 mg vitamin C, which I learned needs to be increased. Your thoughts? Again, thanks!

Where are you from? Waverly, Ohio