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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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possibly pregnant maiden mare

My uncle has gotten a mare from a friend in the past three months. She is a maiden mare, as far as we know. About a month ago her ***** began to swell. For about the same ammount of time, there has been a white almost milk like substance that can be "milked" from them. She doesn't mind us doing it either. Her udders are also enlarging slightly. She was a little under weight when she got here and though we were told that she could be pregnant, we never noticed any signs of it until a few weeks ago. Personally compared to pictures that I have looked at she does not look large enough to be that far along. I don't know if it is my imagination, but her rear gate seems to have changed as well. The more I type the more it seems like she could be pregnant, but I don't have the funds to call our extremely expensive vet out here. Other than pregnancy what could this be?

Where are you from? elmwood tn

How did you locate this forum? google

Re: possibly pregnant maiden mare

Hello Nikki,

I truly believe that you should have her examined by a qualified veterinarian. If she is pregnant, you'll want to know how far along she is so you can feed her properly.

If she just came off of another foal, she may still be producing milk. So, since her history is unclear, have an ultrasound performed. It will be money well-spent.

If there is any pus or blood present, she could have mastitis, but since it looks like milk, that's likely what it is.

Happy Foaling (and if she is pregnant, please read the section in my book about pregnant mares and newborn foals).

All the best,

Dr. Getty
Author of Feed Your Horse Like A Horse

My uncle has gotten a mare from a friend in the past three months. She is a maiden mare, as far as we know. About a month ago her ***** began to swell. For about the same ammount of time, there has been a white almost milk like substance that can be "milked" from them. She doesn't mind us doing it either. Her udders are also enlarging slightly. She was a little under weight when she got here and though we were told that she could be pregnant, we never noticed any signs of it until a few weeks ago. Personally compared to pictures that I have looked at she does not look large enough to be that far along. I don't know if it is my imagination, but her rear gate seems to have changed as well. The more I type the more it seems like she could be pregnant, but I don't have the funds to call our extremely expensive vet out here. Other than pregnancy what could this be?

Where are you from? Waverly, Ohio