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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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senior horse feed

My son's older arabian (25) has some periodontal disease that probably affects his ability to get the most out of his hay. The vet dentist is worried that when the pasture grass runs out this winter, it will be difficult for Akbar to meet his nutritional needs. We are not big grain feeders, preferring to feed hay and pasture grass as close to a natural feeding as possible. Any ideas on a feed that might help Akbar through the winter?

Where are you from? michigan

How did you locate this forum? websearch

Re: senior horse feed

Hello Jason,

Thank you for your patience.

There are several hay replacers on the market that you can feed instead of hay that are appropriate for older horses. ADM Alliance makes a product called, Forage First Hay Replacer. You could also feed a senior complete feed that offers at least 18% fiber, such as Purina Senior. But I recommend adding some more fiber in the form of hay cubes, broken into small pieces.

You could also make your own mixture with alfalfa/timothy cubes, broken into small pieces, with added warm water so soften them. And then add a flaxseed meal based supplement to fill in the gaps such as Glanzen Complete. You will need to feed 2 to 3% of his body weight in cubes each day.

If I can help you customize a plan for your horse, consider setting up a phone consultation appointment. That way, I can go over your horse's specific circumstances and details of his health and life, to give you a plan that will be designed for him.

All the best,

Dr. Getty
Author of Feed Your Horse Like A Horse

jason smith
My son's older arabian (25) has some periodontal disease that probably affects his ability to get the most out of his hay. The vet dentist is worried that when the pasture grass runs out this winter, it will be difficult for Akbar to meet his nutritional needs. We are not big grain feeders, preferring to feed hay and pasture grass as close to a natural feeding as possible. Any ideas on a feed that might help Akbar through the winter?

Where are you from? Waverly, Ohio