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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

   Welcome to my forum. 

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Currently, I am discontinuing new questions. This may change in the future, but in the meantime, please know that It has been a true pleasure serving you. 

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I also have a growing number of recordings on "Teleseminars on Nutrition Topics that Concern You" as well as the new, Spotlight on Equine Nutrition Series -- printed versions of favorite teleseminars.

And finally, look for my articles in a variety of local publications and online newsletters, as well as the Horse Journal, where I am the Contributing Nutrition Editor.  


All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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RE just diagnosed Cushings

My 23 year old appendix mare has foundered 2x since May of this year. My vet diagnosed her with Cushings. She is currently on Isoxuprine, bute and peroglide. I am soaking her hay and have cut all grain out during this last founder episode. I am trying to find out what exactly I should be feeding long term. I was looking into safe starch grains but i am just at a loss of what is safe and appropriate

Where are you from? NY

How did you locate this forum? Google

Re: RE just diagnosed Cushings

Hi Jennifer,

I know it's been a month since you wrote and I hope that your mare is doing better by now.

Please consider listening to my teleseminar, "Nutritional Management of Equine Cushing's Disease" by going to the Teleseminars page and scrolling down to the previously recorded event.

There are many low starch feeds on the market. I like ADM Alliance PrimeGlo, Purina Wellsolve L/S, and Poulin Grains Carb Safe as a few to consider.

If you find that a personal phone visit would be helpful, please consider making an appointment.

All the best,

Dr. Getty
Author of Feed Your Horse Like A Horse

Jennifer Towers
My 23 year old appendix mare has foundered 2x since May of this year. My vet diagnosed her with Cushings. She is currently on Isoxuprine, bute and peroglide. I am soaking her hay and have cut all grain out during this last founder episode. I am trying to find out what exactly I should be feeding long term. I was looking into safe starch grains but i am just at a loss of what is safe and appropriate

Where are you from? Waverly, Ohio