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Tapi Full duplix

Need some help regarding TApi. about 2 years ago i was assigned a project to recieve call on computer .project was about an telephone directory encquires.
But i was stuck on two way conversioation.
i was able to recive call ,listen to other person voice but other person culd not hear my voice .some body told me that my modem is not full deplix ,i need voice modem,i change my modem , and use US Robotics external modem. but problem remains the same. i have tried many codes but all have the same problem, can any body have any idea about main reason , or have any code for two way conversation.

Re: Tapi Full duplix

you said you have already installed a Voice modem on your PC...But have you configured the Wave Device property of that PC and routed the o/p to to the voice default it is your Sound Card....If not do that and your code should work...
