All general rules of a civilized forum apply, especially from a PERSEC point of view - we don't really want tons of spam and trolling getting in the way. Just post your messages in the threads, starting any new ones that you feel and remember this is a free, fully public, "anyone can see what you are posting forum".
Be warned, anything out of the ordinary that can be construed as racist, offensive etc, I will be deleting.
Right thats the riot act read, get on with the posting, enjoy and hope to see you at the Reunion bash!!!!
I know this isnt going to be about rules of the forum but I cant get into the forum any other way...must be a senior moment. I am writing of my time on 111(F) during the years 1975/6 from the engineers perspective and with some hard fought for assistance from some ex F4 aircrew I am creating an historical account of that turbulent time. I need some photos.
I need photos for inclusion in the story of the following if anyone is prepared to allow me to have them included in the final manuscript when and if I can get a publisher.
Leuchars QRA sheds with 111 sqdn jets in situ
Leuchars QRA shed ground crew accommodation
Leuchars flight line with 111 sqdn jets in situ
Ditto hangar with jets in
Cyprus & Malta 111 sqdn MPC flight lines
Any help would be brill!! Ring 01665 578 105 if you wish.
It ain't you Paul, or else it's both of us avin a CRAFT moment!
Any way I am askin for some foties, badges, zaps etc for 56(R) at Big C. They are trying to compile a Sqn Museum, should put me and Geoff Shilton and Barry Rolfe in there.
I have a few zaps and some foties of when we formed "shifty fix" Tooms at Coningsby in 76 and the next 18 months or so, includin, bolthole at Weathersfield, summer of 77, and, probably the best detachment I ever went on, Aalborg 77.
So if any one can help, I am sure the boys and girls of the present day 56(R) would appreciate any gizits.
Since there has been no new subjects on the forum for a while perhaps its time for a new one. During the late 70`s and early 80`s with 29 Sqn we had the annual Liasion meeting with 34 Sqn RAF Regiment, usually in the Pen club and usually resulting in a few broken chairs, a few broken teeth and a few arrests. Followed by the ritual `reading of the riot act`. Does anybody have any fond memories of these social events or was it only `The Spearhead of NATO` who incurred the wrath of the trained chimps?
Hi Gary, certainly do remember them. Especially the night they visited us in our rooms in the middle of the night, using sticks and chains to tickle us with. Phil Jacklin managed to delay the departure of one of the visitors just long enough for Steve Watkins to show the man the error of his ways. He ended up in the hospital with a broken jaw and two closed eyes. For the rest of the det, we all slept with sawn-off brooms shanks in our pits J.I.C.
Hi Mick... I do recall the RAFP coming down to the line the following day ... I think that they wanted to speak to Steve (dont quote me... but I am sure that was the case) Someone on the line asked why they dont ask the rockapes what had happened because they are the ones who caused the `problem`... the copper replied `Not possible, he can`t speak yet!! Happy Days !
Sorry I can't help in locating your father but I was on 29 Squadron with him and did quite a few attachments away together Cyprus etc.
Very good luck in your search.