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The Confessional

Here we are folks - the place where you can relieve all those guilty feelings after years of hiding the truth! Tell us all the stories that have kept you in beer for years. Probably a good idea to use knicknames when raising the threads unless you are proud of the truth!!! Get ready for the absolutions though, it could be more than a few Hail Mary's.....

Re: The Confessional

I admit that on Friday afternoon cease flying, to signing up MCS Radars as serviceable after they had been Percussioned Tuned 'Satis' So as my lads could make a beer call. Am I forgiven?

Re: The Confessional

How about sending OCB flying when you knew there was no pressure in the waveguide system. Oh dear, no tx - Zulu10 again.

Re: The Confessional

It always ammazed me, the Rects Controller (Tremblers), how quickly those Radars were signed up after supper had been partaken down the Commie!

Re: The Confessional

I remember on a detachment to Dechi in early 1982ish I went to the mess and was sworn at by the cook, walking past the mess that night after a few beers I spotted their old Bedford CF (getting old) I slid the drivers door open and had a crap on the drivers seat just to **** them off.

An Unhappy Snowdrop

I remeber a beercall in the crewroom on 19 when a Battle Flight police dog looked in over the window and the linies fed him some chocolate (ex-lax!) The pooor snowdrop never did realise why his obedient hound was dropping "steamers" all over the dispersal that night!! Sorry dog.

Re: The Confessional

It's a well known fact that the majority of electrical components on the Phantom were connected to splice areas, rather than to plugs & sockets or terminal blocks which more conventional aircraft used. Certain Phantom components such as 'door open/closed' or 'flap position' micro s/w's were spliced into adjacent wiring looms by crimping the cable conductors together and then insulating the joint with 'heat shrink insulation'. It's my confession that on more than one occasion, usually when there was no mains electrical supply close at hand or at some remote location on the airfield, I have used a cigarette lighter to shrink the insulation over the splice. Sorry Mick! am I forgiven?

Be honest now! How many more people out there took 'short cuts' to get the job done and got away with it?

Re: The Confessional

Of course you are John, it was probably my lighter you used!

Re: The Confessional

I remember helping Bill Reay mend a chipped stabilator trailing edge with rapid araldite outside Rocky Rodgers (FS) office while blocking his view with the RVT.

Re: The Confessional

Jim Kerr. Of course you are not forgiven for your confessional... they served your log as breakfast the following morning!!...

Re: The Confessional


My log probably tasted better than the usual stuff they served anyway.

Misty Cyprus mornings

After a lash too many I remember being the self appointed Drag Chute Guard in the store behind the Line at Akrotiri Golf Dispersal.......I'm fairly sure I haven't been the only one!!!

Re: The Confessional

You know the 'She Speaks What You Type' Ad at he top of the web page well I ahve found out that she can swear. Isn't she Naughty!!

Re: The Confessional

it was impossible for the best shots to win the aircrew APC sweeps, "they" didn't harmonise the guns

Re: The Confessional

Not that I ever did it, honest govenor! I had heard that if it was the last 'snag' before nock off and a pint in Hendies was a possibility(bloody rare), that it was amazing how quickly the wave guide desicant(seen through a small glass window) could be changed from 'U/S' WHITE to 'S' BLUE. The BLUE FELT TIP PEN is MIGHTIER and QUICKER THAN THE SPANNER!

Re: The Confessional

OOP B10, IFF Transponder Pressurization. Hands up if anyone actualy did one.

Re: The Confessional

Without giving too much away I'd like to confess to adding a little something of my own to the orange squash machine in the mess at Valley during 92's visit to STCAAME in 1983.

Top tip of the day: never ever drink something that's been whirling around in a machine all night after a very ****** off ****** up liney got turned away at supper time the previous evening.

Re: The Confessional

Chris Phelan.... Am I making false allegations here or were you one of the bunch who removed the fruit machine from the NAAFI at Valley in 1983? It resulted in an identity parade in the hangar the following morning and the NAAFI committee guy picking out the villains from the line up. Slim wasn`t very amused!!

Re: The Confessional


It couldn't possibly have been me, I was comatose back at the mountain rescue block. I have an alibi in the goat that some jolly japer had let into my room. The goat can confirm my presence for at least the eight hours it took for it to eat all my bedding.

The defence rests.

Re: The Confessional


Was it not you who destroyed the juke box in the Pen club at Akrotiri around 1982, If I recall you ended up doing star jumps at the guardroom that morning

Re: The Confessional


Erm to be technically correct it wasn't the jukebox that got it, it was the pinball table. It was just unfortunate that the Penn Club manager chose to lock himself in his office when I tried to hand him the broken glass at the very moment that the police burst in.

If it hadn't been for those pesky police I could have been a Whitehall mandarin by now.

Re: The Confessional

Re the Valley NAAFI. Does anybody remember trying to sink the old ships painted on the bar walls with 'well' aimed missiles/bottles etc ?

OR - on Bolthole in '75, feeding the orderly sgt at Kinloss with tins of McEwans Export after hours, and him saying it was the best he'd ever had out of a tin, while behind his back certain members of 43 were syphoning it from the tap through the openings in the shutters and filling the tinnies back up again.

Re: The Confessional

I seem to recall while 19 were at APC,1986/87ish Hissing Sid escaped and somehow ended up all over the dispersals Soft on the walls and celing?? Nice paint job though.

PS Not Guilty

Re: The Confessional

hi denthmen
i was there on the laxitive day.
had many a smile remembering it
like you say, sorry dog

Re: The Confessional

just remembered
we also had the pilot/ nav who could drink a pint in like 2 seconds, well they got the same chocolate !!


Re: The Confessional - Cyprus 1983 - 29(F)

I remember on 29 in Cyprus in 83ish when Ian (The Ferrett.) Ansell was orderly Cpl in the Pen Club. He got p*ssed up, as the linies kept buying him beers, then came back to the block where we were having a block party (just for a change) where we provided him a demi john full of WARM 'sweet white' which he drank!!! (can't remember who contributed) As he was drinking, he leant back over the fire exit stairs and plummetted to the ground from a great height. He then lay still then he p*ssed himself. As we weren't sure if he was still alive, we picked him up, carried him upstairs and laid him on his bed; so we could carry on partying. We found him alive the next morning as we noticed he had thrown up all over himself.
Does anyone else remember this?

Re: The Confessional

I want to confess that it was me who painted your face whilst you were sleeping when we wuz at Leewarden. It was also me who painted your shoes!!

Re: The Confessional

Going back to the `pinball table` incident at Valley. I met Jerry Billett for a beer last week and we recounted the events leading up to, and after the event. I wasn`t there on the night (honest constable!!) but I put in an appearance at the identity parade the next day. As the committee member came in to look at the rogues someone shouted `yeah, thats him!! Names do come to mind.... but I aint no grass Delboy

Re: The Confessional

Dear All

Do any other ex-43 guys from the HAS days remember the HAS that had the really tight turning circle for the 'Toom'?

Yes it was I who, already having a bad day, got the jet stuck of the winch. The cable only just reached to beging with, and the jest had rolled slightly forward. I forgot to give the 'brakes on' signal before I took up the slack, which pulled the mainwheel back into the rubber chock. Thus I could move it forward nor backward. The winch cable was so taut you could play a tune on it. Nothing else for it...I got the crew out and summoned an MF50. The tractor pulled the Toom forward to release the chock with the winch cable becoming tighter and tighter. We pushed the jet in and then I reported to the site manager (Addie Addison) that the wich cable seemed a 'little worn'. Of course, it was not me personally that intentionally stretched the winch cable...that would be the MF50 driver, wouldn't it? I wonder if Ian Edgar would know who it was?

Re: The Confessional

I would like to say that all us leckies used gas lighters and Zippos for heat shrinking on Tombs and would like to grass up Titch Anderson for grassing me up to Pete Stork at Deci for using his gas lighter, in 83!

Re: The Confessional

Hello everyone,

Great to find this site!

I was on the dark blue side at Leuchars, PTF '76 then 892 '77 until the end. Ah the Commie, the font of all plots. I admit to knowing nothing about the post mod outer wings that were "borrowed", and replaced with pre-mod ones from the Tremblers just before we embarked in Ark Royal.
