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Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

Can you remember any old silly sqn rules and traditions??
If you were on 92sqn and whilst playing darts, If you left 92 or scored 92 you were crated.

With that in mind maybe Roy Webb should get a crate in Being 92nd on here LOL
But there again he was never on PFS

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

In the Malcome Club, at Wildenrath all the Sdn`s had there own specific corner to meet and drink at, normaly you would get a "crate" in, and people would help themselves, but you could only open the bottle by using the edge of the table, and if you could`nt open it in three attempts you had to buy a create of beer as a penalty ( the difficulty was finding a "good" bit of table to use!)19 Sdn did have the best corner!

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

Yes I remember the 92 rule and wasn't just darts that it applied to, it was anything to do with the number 92, because, when Joe Keen bought a dress for his "Girlfriend" to go to the summer ball and he complained that it cost 92 D.Marks, we crated him.
He was not a happy chappie that night.

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

Not a sqn but station rule, while at Coningsby on the mighty Toom, Bruggen could only be referred to as 'Big B' and while at 'Big B' Coningsby could only be referred to as 'Big C', comitting either misdemeanour was a crateable offence.

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

Ah, Godwin-san, do we remember the honourable JB and the "dead ants"? When the whistle blows all Sqn must end on floor as quick as possible and do the "dying fly". How we ever managed to get back in our chairs at the start of that Cyprus brief when JB blew just a sthe SWO was walking in the building I will never know!!

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

Reading through the various entries and I cannot find any reference to the Phantom welly we had on 111 sqdn at Leuchars in the seventies. Always a moot point with our sisters on 43, they repeatedly tried to nab the said welly only to be foiled by subterfuge or a smack in the mouth. I do recall said welly being kidnapped and a happy snap being sent to us of welly in repose with a 9 milly pointed at it.Its the little things I suppose.

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

How many of you remember the old 17sqn WO "The Sock"? He was a tradition all on his own. I always remember the first thing he organised on any det was to get the tea bar set up. There were bicycle clips on display all over the sqn I also remember him explaining to the crazy SWO at big B, none too tactfull, that he shouldn't stray into the tech site. I believe he was hiding behind a tree trying to catch unwary bods improperly dressed, which meant most of the sqn personnel.

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

I,and a couple of others kidnapped the "Tremblers" Welly, whilst 29 Sqn was on detachment at Leuchars.
When Treble one visited Coningsby a bit later they got it back, by holding the 29 Sqn birds hostage and then did a deal.
Happy days.
Pat Johnson
Ex "Faggot Leader" 56 Sqn

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions


I was at the other end of the shed on XIV and remember 'The Sock' do you remember 'Gods Window' which was the only one not blacked out so the boss could watch the troops working on his jets.

I remember ths SWO incident too!!

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

I'll never forget Neil Shoulder rushing to take the brand new V8 defender out for it's first trip then filling it up with petrol...crated for gross incompetence!

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

John Jewell
In the Malcome Club, at Wildenrath all the Sdn`s had there own specific corner to meet and drink at, normaly you would get a "crate" in, and people would help themselves, but you could only open the bottle by using the edge of the table, and if you could`nt open it in three attempts you had to buy a create of beer as a penalty ( the difficulty was finding a "good" bit of table to use!)19 Sdn did have the best corner!

I remember it well, the table had old coins araldited to it, and sometimes they would fly off, usually when I was trying to open a bottle !

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

Oh yes I remember him well.
If he caught you coming into the hangar late,
You got put on BOG DUTIES.

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

Hey Godwin, Rayner... Hairnet check!...10,9,8,7...

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

I remember,at Wildenrath while on 92,if you fell asleep in the accommodation (can't for the life of me remember which one it was!) block sitting room during a "social" one eyebrow was shaved off. If you had a tache you lost the opposite half. It happened to Stevie Swindells on at least one occasion, I will dig up the photograhic evidence from my saddoe's box and post it.

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

John Prendergast, Ain't that a blast from the past!
Jimmy Kerr, when he was on a propper outfit, was not impressed, nay, more like threw a propper wobbly, when he had his eyebrow removed for falling asleep in the "Block Bar" where many a good night was held when work finished!
The best one though was Trigger, a plumber on the other shift who had various amounts of facial hair removed on different occasions! Never quick to learn a lesson, he fell asleep in a stupor yet again and the guy's kindly removed all his hair one ince each side of the centre parting, from the front of and all the way to the back of his head! Hilarious or what!
He was rewarded with six weeks on Battle Flight by Slim Sullivan to keep him out of sight!

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

I remember the incident with Stevie Swindles well. It was in the lounge of block 69. The first time he fell asleep JP shaved off half of his tasche and then woke up but did not notice. He was talking to us as if nothing was amiss while we tried to keep a straight face. Then he fell asleep a second time and JP took off the opposite eye brow. But there was a WRAF with us at the time and she coloured in the mising eye brow with an eye brow pencil. When Stevie next woke up again he did notice his top lip was a bit numb on one side and complained it had taken him ten years to grow his tasche. "Yeer well how long did it take to grow the eye brow then?" we said in reply. Stevie ran into the of the hall of the block where theree was a mirror to check. Because the missing eyebrow had been coloured in and because he was P*ssed he thought we were joking and his eyebrows were intact. When he awoke the next morning and looked in the mirror again you could hear his screams two blocks away.

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

Innes griggs (Inas)
I remember the incident with Stevie Swindles well. It was in the lounge of block 69. The first time he fell asleep JP shaved off half of his tasche and then woke up but did not notice. He was talking to us as if nothing was amiss while we tried to keep a straight face. Then he fell asleep a second time and JP took off the opposite eye brow. But there was a WRAF with us at the time and she coloured in the mising eye brow with an eye brow pencil. When Stevie next woke up again he did notice his top lip was a bit numb on one side and complained it had taken him ten years to grow his tasche. "Yeer well how long did it take to grow the eye brow then?" we said in reply. Stevie ran into the of the hall of the block where theree was a mirror to check. Because the missing eyebrow had been coloured in and because he was P*ssed he thought we were joking and his eyebrows were intact. When he awoke the next morning and looked in the mirror again you could hear his screams two blocks away.

I seem to recall John Prendergast had a hand in most shavings (if you will pardon the pun?) and even 'ole butter would not melt in mouth Mr.Innocent Karl Boulton got involved but no one would believe he was responsible when missing an eyebrow or other extranious hair! Various people were on the receiving end however no one blew a fuse like Jimmy Kerr! Still makes me chuckle!:-)

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

I've just come across the bit about 'the Sock' - Bill Pickering was his name. I remember him taking his bike on the VC10 to Deci in 1973. While there the armourers presented him with a pair of winged trouser clips and he could be seen leading aircraft, after rects, from the shed back on to the line riding his bike and showing off his trouser clips. A film was made of this but I expect it has long since disappeared.

Re: Old Sqn Rules and Traditions

I remember the 92 rule at darts or anything else, I also remember the stab night in the Mally on route to Cyprus. Any one remember the cheese and wine parties with Bob Clancy? I dont remember ever leaving one.
