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wheres flash

Hi- flash gordon of 56 sqn 1981 does anyone know of his location flash was a linney,i was a rigger on 56sqn for a year then went to asf wildenrath with black bart as the flt sgt in 1982. returning to asf coningsby in 1984 for 4 years.
Does anyone out there have any recollection of the 56sqn magic carpet excercise in Oman 1981,
i recall the night all the door of sleeping accomodation being kicked in and automatic gunfire going of {Blanks payback}as the special forces attatched to the omani army had there dinning in night ruined with our night flying.

Re: wheres flash

Hi flash is alive and well in cheshire, He married my sister for his sins, Im andy Cannon 56 19 29 sqn liney drop me a message and i will send you his contact nos

Re: wheres flash

was with him early 80's with 19 sqn in Germany,
flash Pratt, never forget his distinctive whistle !!!