If you recognise our intrepid SUU feeder put your guesses in here - answer at the Reunion and on the website, for those that can't make it, after the 26th Mar 2011!
It is a WRAF as she is wearing girly shoes (although I suppose it could be MCS as well!!) but my guess is Bev Jewitt, ex 29 Sqn clerk and all round great gal!
If you were drunk; you could almost imagine it was a tall Kate Skillen. However heard from John that Kate never did any WORK till after she left the RAF!!
OK Danny, I want to know how it's a MK11, what the tail No is and how much fuel is in it? You are a sad man and always did have more Tail Numbers in your MCS book than me!! If by any chance you can answer all of those I might buy you a 1/2 pint at the bash!!
George, its a Mk2 'cos the Mk1s had two sodding great hooks on the underside for the catapult launch strop. It would be visible between the bottom of the splitter plate and the front of the rear missile well. I remember it well 'cos I've still got the scar where I nutted one when I slipped on some spilt fuel on a starter crew.
It's not Kate, Brian (and funnily enough I'm still in contact with here - she's married and lives in Tayport, Fife) and suffice to say, there is a catch to the answer!
All will be revealed on Saturday - See you there if you're going!